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Hello Mr Filelaser,

I have a question, Does "Points Per Download" plan reward 5 points for all downloads of any size from any region or just for file which is bigger than 10MB???

And this problem: When I upload by web, it always show "504 Gateway Time-out" !! I can not upload anything


Just reporting that web and remote upload don't work, while FTP upload tab keeps on telling me I must enable FTP usage in my account (something that I already did a pair of hours ago).
2000 points 7.66 euro,now 5 euro...

all download = 5 points

and deleted 150 GB with any reason,no lose your time with this host,i deleted all,and bye...
We will soon be removing the affiliate plans that rewards points for downloads. It is currently not viable for us to offer these plans and they are contrary to the direction we wish to go in as a file hosting platform.

Well done Filelaser. PPS is a way to go.

On a side note, if you can't generate 1 sale daily for any filehost I suggest you quit uploading, you are just wasting your time.
PPD Closed Only PPS..

when these filehosts start they show lot of promise after some time they show thier original color

wasting uploaders time


frnds check this out

Ok I dont want to buy premium I have earned some money with my hard work on filelaser before closing your programs
will you pay what ever is earned by uploaders please make it clear.

will you pay what we have earned so far
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