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Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Added after 2 Hours 12 minutes:

what is this admiiiiiiin
Last edited:
dzforever: We are facing another DDOS today & that's why people are seeing this error. We are trying our best to resolve this issue.

Pending payments will be processed within 2-3 days.

my account are blocked today:

Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28. For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

what happen?
mcafee: We are facing ddos attack & try to resolve this asap.

etherno:Your account is not blocked, how you can say that?
Error is for huge unreal load on servers due to attacks & we are trying hard to resolve this asap.

Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
mcafee: We are facing ddos attack & try to resolve this asap.
Why you don´t protect your servers with some hardware firewalls? The last week FK also been victim of another DDoS, and in fact during the last days is really hard to download a file, i get always time out errors from EU (And FK storage serversa are in NL <_< )
dzforever: We are facing another DDOS today & that's why people are seeing this error. We are trying our best to resolve this issue.

Pending payments will be processed within 2-3 days.


you can buy DDOS protection

even here on wjunction I think I saw few topics offering that
and you can google it also

beeing down for 24 hours is bad for website
and for filehosting service is disasterous

We are facing some issue with our main application node & replacing it with new high end servers today. We know there are some issues with some of our file servers & those will be replaced by today. Also, we are adding more new servers this week. Servers have been arrived & we will doing installations & transferring data.

We also know that there are several payments pending from the last 3-4 weeks. Be patient, we will clear all those pending payments as soon as we will replace our servers.

kunkumamm: I didn't see your account banned. Can you check it again or PM me your password & screenshot of your account.

zenica:We already have firewalls & DDOS protection, but sometimes those fails too. We are doing load balancing soon & this will resolve this issue to some extend.

We are working on these issues to resolve them as soon as possible, we are totally aware of those problem caused by these issues.

I wish could use FileKeen as primary host in my websites soon, but you must improve storage servers estability & performancs, it´s really need to improve the currently ticket download sistem, even if i download at nights, FK system takes a lot of time to assign the download and a lot of times i get timeout problems:

Please fix download speeds i can´t reach 50KB/s :facepalm:

Please fix download problems, every time i want to download a file, i get time-out error...

Why you don´t protect your servers with some hardware firewalls? The last week FK also been victim of another DDoS, and in fact during the last days is really hard to download a file, i get always time out errors from EU (And FK storage serversa are in NL <_< )
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