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I'm asking this because I noticed when I try to download from fileserve/filesonic through my RDP I always get warnings and they block IDM after a few downloads. Do they hate it when you download from RDP using ur prem acct?
why the fuck do you even use filehosts for downloading on RDP,Torrents FTW!
and yes they obviously will hate their service being abused.
What's the point of buying prem if you can't dl from it. I don't even dl from home :))

But anyways, I upload to a very small niche, not warez/porn so there aren't torrents.
I don't download from torrents so I wouldn't know how well it works with RDP, my problem is with filehosts like Fileserve//Filesonic. Do they really consider downloading from RDP abuse? I don't share my acct just use it on RDP.
make sure u use single ip at a same time.. do not log in from both system (Ur PC+ RDP)
& do not download more than 100gb on daily basis.. from (Fs or fso)
I m sure u will at safe end:)

my personal experience...

Well, what ever it is. You bought a premium and are literally raping their servers to download stuff continuously. They actually sell premiums for users who actually cannot wait and need to download stuff without waiting time or crap like that.

But we warez uploaders are like we put in the premium into IDM and start downloading 40-50 files at a time or may be a few but many times lol

So that is the reason they block the IPs of the servers from where more and more downloads are being made. This is not actually hate but it is like u rape me so do i lmao :facepalm:
I've never experienced anything like it and I've never seen a file sharing site that have said they do not like these download methods.
I am FARRRR from raping their servers. I download about 20 files max around 3gb/day. When I get to the 5th file fileserve blocks IDM lol. I also notice filesonic blocks me from uploading through fileuploader(zoom) and now I gotta upload through FTP =)

I do however download a SHIT TON (100gb+ a day) off megaupload thru RDP and I get zero trouble from them lol.
You pay them 9.99$ and rape their servers with speeds of 30-50mb while downloading tons of GBs. What do you think they'll do? Kiss you on the head and give you a pat on the back?
yea me too , i didn't get any errors out in rdp while downloading from these file hosts yes but mu creats problem in uploads lol i didn't get more then 600kbs as uploading speed as am having 1gbps rdp
No what I meant to say is, they have actually banned two of our servers IPs for excessive usage and all.

Actually RS bans because of uploading and not downloading. If you upload a file using RUM(Rapidshare Upload manager) you will get an instant ban.

Tell you users to stop using that and you'll be fine.


I think he's using and RDP, so naturally dozens of people are leeching files from those hosts using 1 ip. If they see that 1 ip is downloading so much data they'll temporarily ban it( specially FS and FSC)
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