- Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

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Thank you for your patience. Just letting you know that the service is up and running. This is the first downtime we've had in the last 37 days. :)
Dear sir,

I have give the pay request on 02-05-12 but sitill its pending please pay me my id is raghurokda32
Many payments went out today and I believe that one of those was yours.

I'm waiting for my payment.
I've been waiting over a week.
I hope answers.
User: Rosner
Rosner, their is a problem with trying to send payment to the email that you listed. PM me please.

@RosnerV - please post here when you do get paid ... or keep posting if you don't get paid.
Answered above.

hi filehost,

in the past 3 days i have had more than 150 members register. but i have already used up 9GB of the 50GB that you have given me. is there a way that you can increase my space?

my username is MNKBLOG

PM me please.

Ok. I'm getting the Server Error when I try to upload a lot. When I can't upload it seems that the downloads I get are also pretty low. Is there nothing you can do to get this problem fixed?

Edit: Has the site changed hands? And should we expect any problems?
lecca, the server error should be a problem from a day or two back. You still seeing any issues?
Your other question - we are simply working with some new partners - everything carries on as per normal (hence the many payments today!)

Remote Upload is so slow from RS. Sometimes got "500 Internal Server Error".

Added after 10 Hours 15 minutes:

Download limit for this file has been reached.
Please Register to download. It only takes 20 seconds!
Upgrade to Premium and download with no delays/wait times etc!

The remote upload problem that you are seeing remains?

The registering for free users after 200 downloads question remains in place for now.

Dear sir,

I have give the pay request on 02-05-12 but sitill its pending please pay me my id is raghurokda32

what is this today is also pending do pay me or not
I believe you was paid today.

has anyone gotten paid?
Many many people have been paid. Have you not read this whole thread?

Yes they pays. I got payments twice.

Best host of the year to me in terms of speed and performance.

Only bad thing is the limitation of 200 downloads for free user.

Otherwise it rocks.
Freedesixxx, thanks for your kind words. :)

still pending here..
As mentioned - many affiliates were paid today. I believe you was in that category also.

stilllllllllllllllll pendign sir
Paid and answered.

Don't worry my friend!

They will transfer money to you:sun:
Thanks TrumVietNam!

i m waiting to receive my first payment :):)
I believe you have been paid too. :)

FileHost, I hope you can increase my space. I have uploaded 13G in the past 4 days

Username is MNKBLOG
Answered you earlier - we can discuss this.

Site don't load
Should all be fine now. As my colleague said (testu) the site has only been down once in some 40 days now. :)

Hi, any chance to add Webmoney payment method?
We are looking at additional payment options.

filehost is the best q the moment they pay they have great speed !!!
Myown - thank you!

Requested payment. I'm waiting for my first payment.
As mentioned, many affiliates have been paid today - you may have been one of these.

u use google ads, hope u can increase limit storage soon :)

im waiting for it to start work with your filehost ;)
I believe I have some PMs from you. We will talk more there. :)

when u will pay me sir

Payments history DateAmountStatus 2012-05-02$26.62PENDING

will it be possible to increase my storage limit? I need more space to upload my junk to!!! :)
Already covered in these replies. :)
Last edited:
thank u for payment . i got mine first payment today . admin i have one question ? u r calculating one 2 download per ip for 24hrs ???? pls reply :)
thank u for payment . i got mine first payment today . admin i have one question ? u r calculating one 2 download per ip for 24hrs ???? pls reply :)
Yes a couple of instances permitted with the same IP per 24 hour period.

waiting for the payment =)
If you haven`t been paid yet, please allow up to 3 working days for your payment to arrive.
Thanks Today i got my first payment.
You`re very welcome.

What is the file download limit?
Limit as in sizes or quantity?
Sizes, it is:
100 MB (free)
500 MB (registered)
5 GB (premium)

For quantities, it is:
200 (free)
500 (registered)
Unlimited (premium)

2012-05-10 $27.04 PENDING

Still pending sir. :(
You requested payment on the 10th. Please allow 3 working days for your account to be checked.
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