- 110% Pay Per Sale with 15$/1000 Downloads

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You know I once try to upload at filegaze (I uploaded about 20 files) and files <400MB had hundreds of downloads. Files over 400MB had 0-2 downloads. Thats why Im bagging you here.

Yes we know that. Those users who want to earn from PPD, they should split the files in 400 MB format. Those users who want to earn from PPS, they are uploading files larger than 400 MB. Hope you understand this. We have to take care of all types of uploaders.

download speed to slow , only 30KB/s....

Speed for free users : 30 KB/s
Speed for registered users : 120 KB/s
Speed for premium users : unmetered KB/s
I want to earn from PPS. But do not allowing people to download file is bad sollution. You better should them decrease download speed or something like that. Better slow download then no download.
Belive me, I sold many accounts at many filehostings and I was never forcing people to buy it. It is their decision.
Normally payments are done within 24 hours. But we write 3 days for our safety.
Its not a matter of small payout, we are sending 3 digit payment daily.

Sorry, we cant change that at the moment. We will think over it in near future.

ok! overall it was good...and im very satisfy it put more trust of your host. I will start doing your host a lot more now. Thank FG
I want to earn from PPS. But do not allowing people to download file is bad sollution. You better should them decrease download speed or something like that. Better slow download then no download.
Belive me, I sold many accounts at many filehostings and I was never forcing people to buy it. It is their decision.

I will definately tell this to my technical team. Lets hope for positive answer.

ok! overall it was good...and im very satisfy it put more trust of your host. I will start doing your host a lot more now. Thank FG

Have replied to your PM.

Welcome to FileGaze. All your queries solved. Hope you like our host.

speed amazing,but you should increase download 1$/1000 download if free users download,this are too low.

We are already running on 100% PPS and PPD is just as addon. Registered users can get 5$/1000 and Premium can get 15$/1000 so that 1$/1000 is just for free users.
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