Selling Facebook Pages with a million over likes

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too good to be true, can you show owner proof of those page? page something talking about " wjunction" for example, and you should at least put a price for your service man, no wonder why people suggest 20$ for this
I'd suggest you lower your tone and ask nicely if you came here to sell your services and provide proof that you actually own these pages, just write a message saying something that someone will tell you to, take a screenshot of it or video record it, then delete it after that.
Show some Proofs, Thanks !
What did you wanna see? Say something related to the genre of my page and I'll post it as a status update on the page for you. To prove I own it of course.
I'd suggest you lower your tone and ask nicely if you came here to sell your services and provide proof that you actually own these pages, just write a message saying something that someone will tell you to, take a screenshot of it or video record it, then delete it after that.
I'm sorry but I have low tolerance for idiots. If people are coming over here to say they wanna buy a million likes facebook page for $20, how do you expect me to talk to them nicely?
symerac and I have come to a consensus
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