FAB - Forum Activity Boost

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Mr Happy

Active Member


Adds posts randomly and naturally to make your site look more active. It's designed to be used in download areas. All members and posts are automatically generated and everything is very easy to use.

I only though of this two days ago so new features, suggestions, feedback are all welcome.


vBulletin 3 & 4 only at the moment but will add IPB and PHPBB once I get some feedback on this version.

If the new members appear as Guests you just need to go to
ACP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Fix broken user profiles
And that will upgrade them to whatever custom member settings you have on your site.
ya thanks to InFlames for testing it.

I probably will make it for SMF anantgupta. It's a pretty simple script to modify to other sites. I deliberately didn't use vBulletins built in ACP or Plugins to allow me to modify it easily for other forum types.
Everyone uses abbreviation like IPB, PHPBB, SMF, DDLCMS, WCDDL, so I just though of using one. FAB is Forum Activity Boost which is what it does :)
Ya the first issue is fixed and the download link replaced. It checks if the random member has already posted and if he has it will pick another random member.

If you have the original just replace the index.php file.

Ya I'll look at that DeLeTeD adding more users. That's not a bad idea. If you think you won't have enough you can easily add more to the install file before installing it for now.

You can edit the posts file and add more now if you want. It counts the number in the file before picking one so more can easily be added to that. I named that file posts-1.php as I plan to allow people to add their own like posts-2.php. That will probably be in advanced options when its done.

Thanks everyone else guys. Any other issues, suggestions or ideas let me know.
I suppose, but you need to unistall and reinstall. Ill take the same basis of your install, make it into a member creator and add a link to the advanced section. Not sure how its coded, but seems logical. Ill test that out and if more interested ill post my results.
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