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In visual studio, goto design view of your main form.

Select the input text box. Press F4. Goto Properties -- > Events -- > Text changing --> Double click.

A new event handler will be created in code behind page.

Now, copy paste the whole code that you have wrote inside your Convert Button into the Text Chaning Event handler created in your code behind page.


like I said before, its "feet" , not "feets", thats not even a word. Should be "foot" as in one, or "feet" and in more than one. just saying
Looks good :D and its nice for a starter.

I guess you should concentrate of improving the UI as only the UI is some what sluggish. :D
You really overused the text boxes there. For example on the unit1 tab, just make it so on the ontextchanged event or whatever it's called, it converts the number in all the other boxes. Not a bad start though and good luck with developing it further.
    Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
        'code to transform the number would go here
        'textbox2.text = result from the code above
    End Sub

Anytime you change the text in the textbox it will run the code. I just suggested this so you could make it run smoother. I also suggested that you just use a lot less textboxes. idc though good luck with this.
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