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Active Member
I think people who have just come out of probation should be put on watch.

For example,
Jim joins today and posts twice and waits to become a full member.
He then becomes a normal members. He is now free to do everything.
This includes scamming/spamming etc.

I think we should put every new member on like a watch out so if they get an infraction in the first 50 days and first 100 posts of being a member then they should get banned permanently. This includes trolling and spamming in the shoutbox.

It would make new members more cautious in their beginning days and the scammers and spammers won't take the time..

"Treating everyone as a murderer till they can prove they are not"
I see what you mean, will be interesting, and actually stop the re-signups/ex-banned from doing their stuff on a daily basis.

BUT, say if staff know for a FACT they are legit can they approve them?

IF you think " YES " then that's kinda a bad idea, because some are friends/mates/suckups to people on here.
@QS Thats why I made this topic?
Its better for mods to relay information.

I meant that they can still post but if they fuck up early then they get banned.
If staff know 100% that the guy is legit then sure put him as a regular member.
If staff know 100% that the guy is legit then sure put him as a regular member.

I disagree, if this were to happen (extended probation) then it should be the same for all.

Even if the member has known a mod for years it should make NO difference.

The idea is a very good one.
I agree with your suggestion Exel !
Nice idea.

Not really. We have moderators for a reason. They shouldn't waste watching newbies when they have many important mod actions to carry out. Everyone here was once a NEW MEMBER and he was under PROBATION.

If you don't trust a newbie, hire a spy. If you got some proof, use the report button. We're supposed to teach new members about webmaster stuff not other shit.
Mod will have to do the job they are doing right now.
It would just require them to ban more often.

If a new member wanted to learn he would make a conscience note to not fuck up.
Do you think the present mods would be able to check each and every post made by the new members?

If even 20 people register per day, and around 15 of them post 15topics/replies in the next 50 days. It's 225 posts directly. That's just an example btw.

The idea is good, but implementing it would actually need a lot of Mod resources.
Implementing it would require mods to just browse the forum like they usually do.
Not all people will get caught but we can also report stuff.
Then make the semi-probation period to be somewhere around 20 days, else you'll see a lot many topics on the same issue "I can't make a new topic in the marketplace!!". lol
The semi probation guys imo should have the rights a normal member has. The only difference is that they are banned instead of infracted.

Ban reasons would be like...

But not everything so its not ridiculous.
I think the current system is ok and if any member is dumb enough to buy or deal with a new member, well you had the scam coming to you. Just wait till the member becomes more well known and trusted.

Id also like to point out that we do ban new members very often because they dont follow the rules, so some of this is already implemented.
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