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Here is my stats, I can't believe people would download these alot for free

whats wrong/unbelievabe with the status??? It could be 2000 download or max without sales, and its true...if you can't generate sales,its your problems, don't blame to them. and there is another option of test purchase,so apply that before crying here.

Don't teach me something that you would even imaging about :facepalm:

@Extabit: You guys should review this, not much loyal aff like me out there, made me happy so I would made you happy :))
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weena, as I see most of the your sales come from na (not available) means are you a offical reseller ? Cause my all sales
come from domains of forums. NA means its sold not by from a web page.

Who, today, sales were? A lot of material! working in normal mode .... and no sales! This is similar to last week, when a Friday extabit kerf mode deception and lost all sales.:facepalm:

Russian vers.

У кого то сегодня продажи были? Материала много! работал в нормальном режиме.... а продаж нет! Это очень похоже на прошлую неделю, когда под пятницу экстабит врубил режим обмана и пропали все продажи.:facepalm:
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