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Their server is down a lot over the past 2 months......

Sales will not be good for any uploader because members do not trust nor like Extabit.

I have posted reg updates, with charts, on my site about them and all Filehosts and also in this thread;

WHY do u lie ??????????!!!:O:OX-( guys all is rubbish !

Complaints still coming in from some folk, that even after 30 days still have not paid out :facepalm:

Extabit's affiliation and partnership offers are not available and remember that to be a partner with them you have to pay $100 up front. :O

Extabit, Turbobit and one other (cant remember which one, but will update) do not supply to US IPs, but they will take Americans money for Premium, so be careful!!!! The only way you can get your $$$ back from them is by a claim through Paypal.

Please ignore the question marks beside balance (I remembered the $49 was addeded to last weeks pay).

Jennifer or Dennis, Can you please explain why my PPD rate is $8.96? It should be at the max of $20! Today i've made 4 sales total for Extabit, Yesterday 2, the day before 7 and a total of 23 this week.

Please, I really need an explanation from you as to why my download rate is CONSTANTLY decreasing and not increasing! It started @ $20 last Friday and has been in total freefall since. For me this isn't acceptable and I deserve more from you, but you think I deserve less!

Why not keep a FLAT RATE PPD plan of even $15, that would be (barely) acceptable to me, but now I am finding it difficult to find reasons to stay with Extabit and am wondering if I should try another file host to earn money for.

Maybe you can give me reasons why my rate is always dropping, and/or even sort something out with it like a flat rate PPD plan?

I don't mean to complain Extabit, but put yourself in our positions, would you find these rates acceptable?

I look forward to a reply.

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me no sales for 3 days but rebills is very good except yesterday, and today expecting 4 rebills hope they will renew their premium account:)
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I understand affiliate program is kinda closed for new users.

My premium expires soon and these days I do consider what hosts to use before just blindly trusting them.

Downloading has been no problem from extabit but uploading has been disable during all my premium time.

So i wonder if there is any chance of getting to upload and participate in PPD affiliate program, or just move on ?
suppose i have good traffic downloads about 500-600 downloads per day but i have no sale ... if i change to full PPD plan , what would be my rate per 1000 downloads?????
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