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@Extabit support team.. can you tell me if someone buys a premium with 60 downloads ..not for a month for example.. how the downloads are counted ? if he fail to download a file.. is counted as 1 download ? .. I ask that.. because you have problems frequently with the website or servers... and I wanna know the faith of a member that buyed from me :) .. and i will not be surprised if someone makes a refund..thanks !
I quit usin' Extabit, once ya add new servers & resolve FTP speed issue, i'll come back if i still with 1 mirror.

Wish ya a good luck.
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Me too, they been paying me regularly since 2011/07/15, if they would like to scam me they could do this before many times, but they didn't. I think everybody will get there payments when the issue with PayPal will be solved. ;)

they are big scammers
when I reached to 9.35 dollars

suddenly my earnings started getting reduced daily

it came to halt now at 0.9 more scam scam scam file host..

Long back i have posted images of their scamming...

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i dont have any DMCA files


will i get paid this week if i choose alertpay?

edit: looks like i cant add alertpay account, its blank even after confirming the mail
Response: 331 Password required for ......................
Command: PASS ********
Response: 530 Login incorrect.

wtf it is ? I can not connect to ftp today
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