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omg, you ask us to keep waiting??? why don't you pay on everyday? We have waited for a long time and all lose ur patient :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

You can "Select all" in this way:Click first file. Press shift. Click last file. Release shift.
As for the rest,you can rename files and folders,move,copy and export selected files.

many thanks; but a one click select option is best and this technique is unknown to many;

and i cannot copy files to a definite folder; alaways copies to the main folder;
I have some question

- If I have premium account will my files be deleted for inactivness for 30 days except 100GB storage allowed?
- How can I select earning program (PPD, PPS, Mixed)
- I wish to upload from my PC. However the speed was so poor just 500KB while other 5MB.

Yes,if you have a premium account,your inactive files will be deleted in 30 days.
First you need to register as a partner.(this option is temporary unavaliable).Then the system will automatically forward you to the statistics page. On this page you should form your perfonal rate that fits you best. It’s up to you which rate to choose.
The speed may be low due to the servers' overload.
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