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Just want your opinions, do you think with all these earth quakes and natural disasters happening lately, do you think its all part of the "End of World"??? Like Mother Nature is finally cracking the shits!

Nostradamus predicted it would happen...
Well I wouldn't want it to end. However we are the ones responsible, we don't have anything nor anyone to blame but ourselves.
Its a very interesting subject especially considering what science has been discovering the last 50 years. And Nostradamus is only one of MANY that has made such predictions..including virtually all religious books ie:bible etc. Now with the Planet X/ comet Elenin theories and pole shift/alignment events coming soon combined with dramatic disaster increases of late, I think more people should be concerned at least enough to do some investigating themselves. Although, you're not going to like what you see. Youtube has some very interesting stuff right now. Start with Logets find here then look at some of the related stuff there on youtube. Ones I thought were very thought provoking were the Planet X/elenin stuff. (ele=extinction level event..interesting..) The fact that google sky seems to be blocking that one area where the comet is supposed to be is a bit concerning too..thoughts?
nope its just people are so dumb and dont understand that earth changes dinamically.
its not static, it changes every second.
milions years ago

and now

diference is that now we have skyscrapers, atomic aes, huge amount of buildings, all this makes more problems than those disasters :|

people are so dump, they build huge cities even near volcanoes so nostradamus knew that this will be the reason of end of world :|
I don't think that the end is near. This just a normal process in the lifetime of a planet like Earth. And there have been a lot more disasters 50-100 years ago.

Didn't see your post Anthonis, but i totally agree with you.
Not only does the Earth change though, so do the things around the earth, and that's what seems to be a major cause of what might be happening. Common knowledge that the Moon affects our tides etc. So just imagine what something else coming close to us could do. @ chris, way to act your obvious age..why do so many here feel the constant need to turn this place into a friggin sandbox with all the insults and flaming? God forbid an intelligent debate pops up here now and then.
What ever is coming to us is probably not of any significance right now. I don't think that it would have any effect on the Earth from that distance. When it gets close, well thats another story.

@ chrishdman87 why is he an idiot? I find this thread better than all those drama threads we have been seeing here lately.

How and why would anyone think that Earth will collapse now?
Because of Earthquake in Japan? Moving plates? That is happening all the time, only thing different from now and 50 years ago is that people have informations.
My grandpa never knew when hurricane hits USA, or Tzunami hits Asia, or meteorite wipes out entire forests in Russia...

And when I hear name Nostradamus, or Bible, or baba Vanga, I just wanna throw up, how brain of humans can stay undeveloped, and how easy is to manipulate with human beings. How our nature is based on fears.
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Nostradamus and those 'prophets' like him were more wrong than right in their predictions,
any man with blind guessing would guess that much, even more with some reasoning.

One clear and recent example, I remember, is the solar eclipse in 1999., the story was like
999 is 666 reversed, and the devil and total darkness is coming yadda yadda yadda.
I don't recall something like that happened.

Nostradamus and any of those found an effective way to manipulate their people, by
calling to 'mysterious' powers, what makes them seem credible is than they lived long
ago, and their existence is veiled in mystery, so they look like they knew what would happen.
cvrle77 got that right, people just didn't know squat back in the day. On top of that, they probably had to keep a farm running instead of watching TV all day. :p

Either way, I hope my uploads get done before the shit hits the fan, ya never know... lol :p
Although I do agree the prophets/prophecies are a load, my point hinged more on the Science part of it. The simple fact that there HAVE been record numbers of earthquakes recorded in the last year than ever before is somewhat disconcerting. Also, you should remember that the earth has had at least one extinction level event before, otherwise we'd be running from dinosaurs right now. hehe Another part of Loget's Youtube Vid that I found interesting was the part about FEMA recently ordering one BILLION dollars worth of dehydrated food coupled with the recent recall of ALL American Ambassadors by Hillary Clinton which has NEVER happened before. Ask yourselves why they would do either of those things? And this was filmed on the 7th .All heading towards the west coast where we all know the major fault lines are. Yes, military vehicles get moved pretty often, but that seems to be a very large haul. Also find it interesting that so many are "medical" Armored Vehicles as well as an assortment of colors. If it were a buildup in possible preparation for some overseas conflict,you would likely see these vehicles the same color, ie: beige for desert warfare, green for jungle, forest, grasslands etc. Just interesting...
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Hmm I don't know what other says but according to Indian religion..There is hell a lot of time remainnig in end of this world.Don't wry be happy what wil happen that will happen..Just pray something more worst than this do not happen.
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