Elf Buddy's RDP giveaway - Courtesy of PerfectRDP

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Elf Buddy

Active Member
Contest has ended, the winner is Beredis -Please PM me with your email you register at PerfectRDP


Our 3rd giveaway is courtesy of PerfectRDP, giving away an RDP;

2x Intel Quad Core

To enter, simply answer; What are you doing for this Christmas?

Your first post number will be your entry number.

Courtesy of

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Nothing special just trying to find a home a lovely dog which strolls around my shop. I came to know that she had been dumped by her owners just because one of her legs came under a bike.

Here is the pic of the dog.


I make it a point to satisfy her daily needs but still she needs a home. I can't take her to my home cause my dog at my house won't accept the dog (Tried it already)

And as for the giveaway goes even if i am selected kindly give it to a person who requires the rdp. I just posted this here to aware the people that party less and be humble and giving more. Try to save a life rather than destroying a small life.
This is so awful and very sad.. My prayers are with this doggy girl. :((

I hate people who treat their animals like that. So fucking sad no one should treat any animal like that!! How would you like it if someone did that to you! Fucking pissed off!!

Raz3r you are doing an awesome job! God bless you!! :)

Xmas wish. Please look after your animals and all animals in need.. :|

Note: Man is the most horrible animal on planet earth..
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I am going to enjoy Christmas with the Santa Claus, give sweets to the children's, give gifts to my parents and my friends especially my GF <3 ;), thats all Elf Buddy :D
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I am giving my full hart
to my Sweet wife .... her final year collage exam starting from 26th December so all Christmas i am supporting my wife for her success in Life and it will be my Best Gift from Santa Claus....
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I am planning to give a dog a new home with this coming new year...

EDIT - i didnt read Razer's reply before posting this
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This is my first Christmas without my Mother, who passed away from brain cancer earlier this in March. I'm currently in bed willing myself to get up join in the 'celebration' that my father insists on having. I just want to pull a doona over my head and have it all be over. It no longer feels like Christmas when part of your very soul is missing :(
I was just going to give some random answer, but this dog talk got me a bit emotional, that's mostly why I don't really care about what I'm doing this Christmas... I adopted my dog 11 years ago, he was a stray dog, born from a couple of stray dogs we used to feed. One day we found him after he ha been run over by a %$#%$ mailman. Back then I lived with my parents so we immediately took him to the vet or he would have died. As he grew older, he started to bark a lot and I couldn't keep him here with me in the city, so to avoid giving him away to strangers, I asked some friends in the country side to take care of him... Sometimes he escaped their house and they found him at the house I have there from my deceased grandmother, I guess he's my Hachiko, he went there hoping to find me and my family...Some people say dogs do not have feelings but they do, they feel sorrow and joy. I spent 15 days with him this summer and cherished every single second, I was almost 2 years without seeing him since in the meantime my twin nephews were born.
Even today I asked my friend how my dog was doing, he's a great friend of mine, and our parents are friends as well, they take really good care of him, but with all this rain and cold I'm afraid that he catches a pneumonia or something and passes away.

So I guess I will spend this Christmas thinking about my dog...

Here's a picture as well for what it's worth:

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