Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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what is happening to crocko today my earnings from 50 downloads are zero and from professional to nothing i sent them a message but no answer

where ,s admin X-(X-(X-(X-(X-(?????????
Better check the sales also. Yesterday, my site had a record number of visitors, but Crocko shows only 10 downloads and one sale ;-( Hard to believe this is correct...
they are scam for sure because they didn,t added my 11/11 2011 earnings to my balance

Don't think it's a scam, but for sure they urgently have to follow a marketing course.

We, the up-loaders, trust them to host our files, and trust them that they are honest with the download counts and the sales.

Honestly, I don't longer trust them, and not only because the delays which started yesterday....

Technical problems can happen, and the way to handle them is to inform users asap about them and what they can accept to happen. After more as 24 hours, no message yet on the crocko site, and the admin here is still missing. May I suggest to change the name again ? Ostrich maybe ? You know the bird which put his head in the sand when there are problem ?

But as I said, it is not only yesterday that their stats make no sense :'( I upload for people living in group 2 (Dutch language uploads) and during the last 30 days, 97.5% of my counted uploads come from group 1. Are the Americans suddenly learning foreign languages ? Should be nice, but I doubt it...

Me, I live in Thailand, without doubt a group 3 country. I download almost every day my own files. But guess what, during the last 30 days, only 4 downloads from group 3 countries. I should have had at least 30 if I was the only person in a country 3 which download my files

Yesterday, officially 10 downloads, according file manager approx 160. Quite a difference :O

If count of downloads are not correct for a very long period, how can I trust that the count of sales is correct ? No way for me to prove i it, but I feel that there is something very serious wrong at least since Friday. (Did some improvement last weeks to my blog which tripled the visitors. Normally, the weekend is "top sale day", but now, it's less sales as usual)

Oh, and one more thing.... Crocko pays 55% on it's sales, and a bonus of 4 % if you have more as 300 usd. Well, "officially" I don't make 300 usd BUT I have the 4% bonus. Is Crocko just nice to me, or is it another proof that there software doesn't work, or is it similar as the downloads : they show up in the downloadmanager, but not in the earnings table.

Conclusion : I think the people of Crocko are really nice and have no bad intentions. Must also admit I get paid every monday, so that's positive. But they really need to learn to communicate with the uploaders. If we can not trust their system for 100%, we have a problem. And I not longer trust them, so we have a problem indeed.

How to solve this ? Not easy, damage is done. Especially after the last joke in september where many people lost their files and the backups turned to be out not existing. Personally, I did not lose too many files, but I know their are still people waiting for the promised compensation. Suppose the official reason will be "That was a different company (ES), now we are Crocko !

My suggestion is quite drastic : drop for every uploader who wants it the ridiculous 120GB/week limit. This will allow us to back up our files to another file host.

Pepersonally, I don't plan to leave Crocko, but after what happened the last 2 months, a decent backup is the least you can do for us. I understand Crocko doesn't like the idea that we remote to other hosts, but once again, trust is broken and something drastic needs to be done to win it back.
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And this is something I don't understand, why would a leecher first register for a free account ? I see no benefit for him.

I checked what the average Joe would pay with the competition for one month premium by clicking on a downloadlink

Filesonic/Wupload : 9 usd
Fileserve/Filejungle: 9.99 usd
Crocko : 11.95 usd

Most downloaders will think that Crocko is the 10000th new filehost - how can they know that ES suddenly changed name ? (and if they know, they wouldn't care anyway)

99% of the content on Crocko can easily be found on cheaper and more well known filehosts (or for free on bittorrent), so why would they pay 3usd more ?

So my suggestion to boost sales, is to give everyone the same price, 9.55 usd

Yep, the 20% cupon discounts are nearly useless, people buy filesonic premiums, since 1.- is cheaper and 2.- they don't know that once they register to crocko, they will get a discount.

And now i have a question, once you're a free member the price is set at $9,55,(17.32% discount) does that price get reduced 20% (using a 20% discount cupon) from that total ($9.55) to $7,64?, or 37.32% from 11.55? ($7,24), or none and once you're a free member the 1 month cost $9.55?

Edit: oh! by the way the 20% discount coupon needs to be in my website? or i can give it away in a external forum?

( Easy-Share haven't posted in this thread since 2 weeks ago... )
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waiting for my 2payment 8-)8-)8-)

Added after 6 Hours 36 minutes:

another problem with crocko it,s monday and didn,t get paid :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
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waiting for my 2payment 8-)8-)8-)

Added after 6 Hours 36 minutes:

another problem with crocko it,s monday and didn,t get paid :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

I suppose they mean Monday American time. I usually receive my payout on Tuesday, but for them it's still Monday =)

edit: money was on my account on Thursday 8.30 am local time
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