Earn Money Uploading Images | 66% revenue share | im4ge.info

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Earn money for your images, a 66% revenue share.

We at http://im4ge.info are proud to announce that we now have revenue sharing for all the images you upload! A easy and fair way to earn money from uploading images.

Standard im4ge terms apply, no pornagraphic content. Upload all pornor adult content to redimagehost.com

How do I get paid?

You are paid via gooogle adsense, for 2/3 of all page loads your publisher ID will be displayed instead of ours meaning all clicks will be attributed to your account not ours. Payment for adsense is via check or EFT.

Can I click my own ads?
No clicking your own ads WILL get you banned from adsense, just face it you cant trick google. Also as we will receive notification from google if you do get a warning for click fraud expect perma banning (IP+email+user).

Adsense doesnt work on warez linking sites?
You are not advertising on warez linking site, you are advertising on a imagehost. Nothing illegal bout that.

How do I get started?

New Step by Step Guide: http://www.wjunction.com/showpost.php?p=77474&postcount=11
1) Register for an account at http://im4ge.info
2) Register for google adsense: https://www.google.com/adsense/ if you dont already have an account.
3) Goto My account->My Profile on im4ge.info (http://im4ge.info/members.php?account=1) and set the google adsense pub-id to your own.
4) Upload images and all clicks are now yours!

If you need any help reply in this thread, the more images you post the greater your earnings. Forum owners (phpbb3, soon vb--PM me and ill give you a test vb version) can automaticly upload user images to us and earn! See this thread: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=9893
ok thanks let us know how it goes, the adzone that was there had a 250 views = 1 click ratio so if you get traffic it should work out good.
If you upload images, people click the images and then if they click an add you get $0.10 - $0.50 per click from google adsense.
i just clicked an image and theres no ads anywhere on the page :(
maybe u should have it where theres popups xD
yes there is 2 ads, ones adbrite its changing to google adsense now and follows the same rules, Im just tweaking it all now.

@r0ck just a warning to read the above post and remember that its not an adult host, my adult host (redimagehost.com) may get a similar feature when I find a company that will do ad revenue sharing and is ok with adult content.
Ok heres a step-by-step guide to getting started

1) Do you have a google adsense account? If not sign up for one here: https://www.google.com/adsense/

2) Login to your google adsense account and copy your publisher ID from the window

3. Create / Login to your account at im4ge.info

4. Goto My Account->Profile then insert your Google PubID

5. Either upload images or use one of our forum monitisation mods here: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=9893
You earnt $200 from im4ge in the 2 days I have offered this, I supremly doubt that as no user has brought in over 1k traffic yet. I persume you are refering to past experiences and not this service.

Howeaver you should not be banned for using us persuming you comply with the google TOS. Ive been paid $150 from google adsense before and its all good.
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