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Active Member

i was planning from long time ago
i also know its not an easy task as there are lot of big ddl sites already there
but i would love to give a good try

Site : Downloadz

I still Modifying it and adding some fetures/concept of other ddl sites

plz review and tell me what can make it more better
then after i will try to get some traffic
looks nice and clean m8.
just one thing you need to change..number 13 in your submission rules:
You must put the affiliate code shown below on ALL webpages you submit to Katz Downloads.
looks nice and clean m8.
just one thing you need to change..number 13 in your submission rules:
You must put the affiliate code shown below on ALL webpages you submit to Katz Downloads.


Edit# download your ddl script from Your script is same as theyr but downloaded from guy who just edited copyrights.
1 Main change you should do is, make your own rules.
2 Moving copyright of the original script makers is harsh, I mean they should get some credit, put there Copyright sign somewhere atleast!
3 Everything else is fine.
4. The script is WCDDL, its just that some noobs made a copy from it
Yes BadBoy, a foolish Pig guy, has just downloaded the Script from & removed the copyrights and giving out to everyone in his name :-?
Why the Hell they do like that ?
I'm planning to do something to his site :happy: So he'll never ever think to take other's credits :D
hmm ok i will give them a back link
and abt rules
i copied rules there then modified acccording to my plan
just did not saw there name on last rule
This is WAREZ :p No Copyright Shit ^_^ :)
You are Free To Copy Whatever you want :p unless you dont take the credits of making it =))
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