Does anyone have any news on Stablelayer

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SyFlys i hope you read this please log in Wj and tell use whats going on?
How many of this kind of threads do you want to see?
come on man just log in and explain to use whats your sitiuotion so we all know
Even is down
Their site was being DDoSed that is why it was taken offline, it was the reason that there was so much downtime.

From Yesterday:

(11:07 a.m.) Prohibited: being ddosed? ;/
(12:52 p.m.) Stable: yeah
i fixed the main server
They only got under attack
that look same with price and you not suprice about that coz ppl still see ceapes price but they not ask this host have data about their service about uptime data or not this to make sure you all buying host ask about uptime data or etc don't be foolded with price
You may need to look for quality hosting, it's not cheap but you will get what you pay for.

Better, optimized and secured servers.

well that IS part of the problem, everyone says it is quality hosting and it is not unless you spend money and face downtime till you know they suck, any news regarding stablelayer is more then welcome

P.S. stay on topic guys :D
their ip has got nullrouted again.....hope they will recover the DB's or else everything is gone...:(
i sure do hope they recover the database or else i am screwed as i have lost backup for one of my site and the old backup is of 2 months back
when ppl need webhosting then this 3 user offering stablelayer DLow, ACE, Sysfly they will be come in there topics and said they is very good you can check that just think what this indicated

before DLOW merger her server always down but ppl still trust coz their have rank and active member this not indicated you can trusted 100%
ive learned to take backups every day after my db was lost after crypticvps "incident"

u guys need to learn also - always take backups. especially when its unmanaged vps.
i HAD my backups mate they only problem is that my RDP(not from the same company) got closed unexpectedly taking all my backups with it, i have a backup but its a bit old
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