Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

Dear Customers! We are implementing a new way for faster restoring the former payment schedule. So, you are getting the last 30-days earnings + 10% of requested amount before these 30 days. More active you are, the faster you receive all of you requested!
Be patient a little longer, please. All of you will get your requested payments soon!
Thank you for your activeness!

I got paid 3 days ago from my last request, but they won't remove the “Requested payout” from the wallet... It is normal? Happens to someone else?:-?

Dear Customers! We are implementing a new way for faster restoring the former payment schedule. So, you are getting the last 30-days earnings + 10% of requested amount before these 30 days. More active you are, the faster you receive all of you requested!
Be patient a little longer, please. All of you will get your requested payments soon!
Thank you for your activeness!

what does this mean if i have request payout of 100 on 07 Nov?
i contact them and i receive this

Dear Customer! There is impossible to restore payments schedule for inactive webmasters for now, as not everything depends on us, but we are doing everything possible to pay the requested payments in the near future for everybody, it needs a little more time than we expected.
All of payment requests will be processed within 20 days.
Please follow our news for more details - Halileo
Sorry for the inconvenience! Thank you for your cooperation!"