Hey everyone, got a problem here..
Recently isnstalled DDLCMS on this domain http://visionddl.com/
I installed it fine without any problems, basically my problem is I cant submit anything.
I constantly get this error:
I can however submit through acp but not through here http://visionddl.com/submit.php
Maybe i missed something out, or need to edit a php file?
I have tryed it with the default theme aswell but that hasnt helped.
Also there is no error log either
Has anyone had this problem or can help me?
Recently isnstalled DDLCMS on this domain http://visionddl.com/
I installed it fine without any problems, basically my problem is I cant submit anything.
I constantly get this error:
I can however submit through acp but not through here http://visionddl.com/submit.php
Maybe i missed something out, or need to edit a php file?
I have tryed it with the default theme aswell but that hasnt helped.
Also there is no error log either
Has anyone had this problem or can help me?