Create Imagehost

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Active Member
I wonder how hard it is to create a Image host and if it is any guides or something for how to make one.

I would like to make a imagehost similar to imagetwist for my users. I send 3k daily image views to imagetwist, will probably increase by several hundred percent within the next month (with my latest changes my traffic increased by 100%).

Since it is quite much traffic and I could also add premium membership (no popup, no ads etc) for just 1$ a month or something.
Would also be very fun to make it. (and the things it would teach me is things I really want to know, for other projects aswell)

I think it could be very benefital, got tons of things I dont know tho:
Never made a imagehost.
Never made a website with premium membership.
Dont know what ads would earn much from the visitors.
Would also like to make a affilate program on it but never done that either.

Do you know if it is anything special I could read up on to get the needed information?
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