

Active Member

Dear webmasters and forum members!

We present you a platform -, to which moved our official affiliate programs and

CostAction - a new unified interface for webmasters, which unites all sections of the statistics and earnings, working conditions, and the description of tariff plans and partnership programs of and

Work with files as usual remains the primary domain. So you need upload files \ share link on or, and check statistics and earnings via CostAction.

We offer a wide choice of directions and opportunities to monetize your file traffic, we guarantee stability, high profits and steady growth!

Our main tariffs

Pay per download (PPD - All inclusive) - up to $ 20 per 1000 downloads
- count unique downloads of your account;
- count incomplete download;
- accept traffic from all countries;
- no on the file size restrictions for free downloads.
See rate schedule countries can be on this page (for registred users).

Payment for premium sale (PPS) - 60%of sales, 40% of rebills
- A large number of ways of of accepting payments, and a few merchants for accepting credit cards
- Automatic subscription for credit cards and a variety of mobile subscriptions (sms, wap, internet +, etc.)
- Pay all future rebills without prescription and no matter if user deletes cookies, source file, or other factors.

Payment for downloading and selling both (Mixed) - up to $ 7 per 1,000 downloads + 40% for sale+ 30% for rebill
The ideal option for a new, unexplored traffic. Includes all the benefits of tariff PPD and PPS.

See rate schedule countries can this page (for registered users).

Additional earnings

Referral system (turbobit)
Attract new partners and get a percent of their earnings:
-20% of each involved partner earnings (level 1 referral)
-5% of the earnings of each new partner, attracted by your partner (level 2 referral )

For simplicity, we have prepared a special, bright promo banners (for registered users)!

Sites Referrals
Earn posting turbobit \ hitfile links on your site .
We pay 10% on turbobit and 15% on hitfile, for every sale from your website, blog, forum, no matter of who is the owner of the file.

Loyalty program "Gold Partners" (turbobit)

Increase earnings and bonuses if you are constant and successful partner:
85% of sales for PPS, up to 60% of sales +$ 8.75 per 1000 downloads for Mixed plan and to $ 25 per 1000 downloads for PPD.

Payment for using downloaders (turbobit)
You can set downloading of your files via special program loader.
You will get reward for each installation of the advertising software!

Why is it worth to work with us?

-We have been working for more than 5 years
-Minimum payout is only $ 10
-Stable payments 3 times a week to Webmoney and 1 time per week to Paypal, Payza, Yandex Money and QIWI
-The detailed statistics and convenient interface for working with files
-Large choice of tariff plans with high deductions
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Congratulations on the upcoming holidays!

First of all, we would like to thank our partners for their support and trust. This year we build a whole new interface for file management and rebuild an affiliate site.
It’s hard to imagine how it would go without your help and endless support. Undoubtedly, when something we get used to changes it may be hard to accept cause it requires revisiting the way we do all the usual routines. But rest assured, thanks to all the updates the new year is quite promising in terms of perspectives and opportunities. Meanwhile, all the problems and difficulties will remain behind.

Upcoming holidays are a great chance to increase an income, which is why we are starting a Christmas & New Year's promo! Your users can use the special NEW2022 promo code to get + 40% more premium time.
The promotion has already begun and will last until January 15, 2022 (inclusive).
Notify your users so they can take advantage of the great offer!

Also, the section of promotional materials of the affiliate program has been updated with new holiday banners!
We hope this promo will be beneficial and bring additional income and new regular users.

So, we wish you health, strength and prosperity!
May your holidays and New Year be filled with joy.
We hope that our partnership will reach new hights in this forthcoming year!

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays!

First of all, we would like to thank our partners for their support and trust. This year we build a whole new interface for file management and rebuild an affiliate site.
It’s hard to imagine how it would go without your help and endless support. Undoubtedly, when something we get used to changes it may be hard to accept cause it requires revisiting the way we do all the usual routines. But rest assured, thanks to all the updates the new year is quite promising in terms of perspectives and opportunities. Meanwhile, all the problems and difficulties will remain behind.

Upcoming holidays are a great chance to increase an income, which is why we are starting a Christmas & New Year's promo! Your users can use the special NEW2022 promo code to get + 40% more premium time.
The promotion has already begun and will last until January 15, 2022 (inclusive).
Notify your users so they can take advantage of the great offer!

Also, the section of promotional materials of the affiliate program has been updated with new holiday banners!
We hope this promo will be beneficial and bring additional income and new regular users.

So, we wish you health, strength and prosperity!
May your holidays and New Year be filled with joy.
We hope that our partnership will reach new hights in this forthcoming year!


one more good event. happy new year ??
Post automatically merged:

@osidosi i think different between isn't much , but free download from hitfile is simple.

okay. i will try hitfile for free download content
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Payments on New Year's holidays:

Payment schedule:
And then according to the usual schedule.

The last day to send payout requests this year is December 28, all requests that were sent later will be processed on January 3, 2022.

Happy Holidays! ?
Payments on New Year's holidays:

Payment schedule:
And then according to the usual schedule.

The last day to send payout requests this year is December 28, all requests that were sent later will be processed on January 3, 2022.

Happy Holidays! ?

She didn't come today..