

Active Member

Dear webmasters and forum members!

We present you a platform -, to which moved our official affiliate programs and

CostAction - a new unified interface for webmasters, which unites all sections of the statistics and earnings, working conditions, and the description of tariff plans and partnership programs of and

Work with files as usual remains the primary domain. So you need upload files \ share link on or, and check statistics and earnings via CostAction.

We offer a wide choice of directions and opportunities to monetize your file traffic, we guarantee stability, high profits and steady growth!

Our main tariffs

Pay per download (PPD - All inclusive) - up to $ 20 per 1000 downloads
- count unique downloads of your account;
- count incomplete download;
- accept traffic from all countries;
- no on the file size restrictions for free downloads.
See rate schedule countries can be on this page (for registred users).

Payment for premium sale (PPS) - 60%of sales, 40% of rebills
- A large number of ways of of accepting payments, and a few merchants for accepting credit cards
- Automatic subscription for credit cards and a variety of mobile subscriptions (sms, wap, internet +, etc.)
- Pay all future rebills without prescription and no matter if user deletes cookies, source file, or other factors.

Payment for downloading and selling both (Mixed) - up to $ 7 per 1,000 downloads + 40% for sale+ 30% for rebill
The ideal option for a new, unexplored traffic. Includes all the benefits of tariff PPD and PPS.

See rate schedule countries can this page (for registered users).

Additional earnings

Referral system (turbobit)
Attract new partners and get a percent of their earnings:
-20% of each involved partner earnings (level 1 referral)
-5% of the earnings of each new partner, attracted by your partner (level 2 referral )

For simplicity, we have prepared a special, bright promo banners (for registered users)!

Sites Referrals
Earn posting turbobit \ hitfile links on your site .
We pay 10% on turbobit and 15% on hitfile, for every sale from your website, blog, forum, no matter of who is the owner of the file.

Loyalty program "Gold Partners" (turbobit)

Increase earnings and bonuses if you are constant and successful partner:
85% of sales for PPS, up to 60% of sales +$ 8.75 per 1000 downloads for Mixed plan and to $ 25 per 1000 downloads for PPD.

Payment for using downloaders (turbobit)
You can set downloading of your files via special program loader.
You will get reward for each installation of the advertising software!

Why is it worth to work with us?

-We have been working for more than 5 years
-Minimum payout is only $ 10
-Stable payments 3 times a week to Webmoney and 1 time per week to Paypal, Payza, Yandex Money and QIWI
-The detailed statistics and convenient interface for working with files
-Large choice of tariff plans with high deductions
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Dear partner,

We are glad to announce a major update of our services based on your suggestions and requests.

Foremost, we would like to introduce you with the updates on

1.We fixed the bug with a “502 error”, which happened always during a long session working on Now you will never see endless “maintenance”, that had interrupted your work.
2.We removed all limits on the maximum size of file for free users on Now every free user could download any file with an any size, if you prefer it.
3.We changed the link generation template for forums from “URL” to “url” like the most part of forums insist.
4.We transferred on https protocol.

We also updated service:

5.Increased a protection against scam when changing wallet. Now, if you don’t approve your payment details on email firstly, you couldn’t add a new wallet.
6.We transferred on https protocol.

And some common updates on and

7.We made some improvements in mass search for partners. Now when you move the mouse pointer to file in mass search, you will see where, in which folder is located your file.
8.For mass search we have done the separate button with a search.

We hope that you’ll like the updates and start making even more!If you will have some questions or some troubles you can ask our support.:beers:
Dear partners,

We have updated our list of allow forums and sites, where you can use and post our filehosts, that’s why you can freely ask me PM and to the contacts bellow (in my signature)

Have a nice day!
Hello, dear partners!

I have some good news for you – we add API-upload on and

Here, you can find the instruction:

Also if you need links for, enable «Automatically upload files to all active services»
and «Automatically create and display links for» options.

You can ask me freely if you need some help, use the contacts below.
Which content are more profitable to spread at the


We analyzed special for you the purchases from sites where our partners had been posting our links to download files from the for a period.
We attentively checked and verified all the data, all the information, that we received and carefully analyzed all the purchases from more than 5 000 sites since 2017 to the first half 2018 year.

Which content are more interesting for users to buy?
Absolutely, the first position is music – 25%, than – adult (17%) of course, the 3d place is soft – 15% (warez, programs, etc), than – video content (cinema, fils, series, clips, etc) – 14%. Literature sites (books, magazines, educational literature) and design sites (graphics, plugin, etc) have the same percent of purchases -10%. Only 7% from 100% are the games and 2% is the others.
Note: We didn’t count purchases from different pass-through sites.

Who bought it?
We add on our infographics the ranking “10 top countries who bought our premium keys”. As you can see, the main part is the European countries, but there are also USA and Japan.

Ok, but how can I use this information in my work?
If you are an experienced webmaster this analyzes can help you to expand geography of users who buy your content and also maybe start to post and spread other type of content too.
If you are newbie or just a webmaster, who has never worked with us, the analyzes can help you choose the most profitable content, from which you can receive a good benefit working in our partners program. Furthermore, choose the content for your future site.

What I should do if I’ve already worked with a certain type of content, but my earnings doesn’t increase?
You can ask me freely about actual allowed list of sites and forums exactly for your type of content to extend your list of post sources therefore increase your profit.

For all the questions that you have, please, use the contacts below.
Have a nice day!
If you look at the top 10 counties, you can notice Turkey from them, it seems that love us, because I’m from there.

But it's mutual! The Turkish webmasters and site owners also like because they always pay on time and regularly, so we have constantly earnings.

I’ve been using it for 5 years without any fear. I’m always sure that they’ll make payments, count downloads, sales etc, because I’ve used it for a long time.

Note: All as I want to increase the speed for free download, it will be great if it will be done for 1-2 files per day at least.
