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2014 is nearing and the last pay from Cloudzer is from October !!

On a german bard rootsz claims he has been paid since December 23, last time he was the first here to announce cloudzer has paid, I hope they will pay the rest of us soon.
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The guy who said he's been paid had a request since September 24 and recived it December 23, almost 3 months, so maybe and I'm just saying maybe they will pay.
And I was planning to stop using Cloudzer today anyway, on January 1st I'm even thinking of deleting all my files.
You can put screenshots? You can say the name of the German forum? Little credibility is more than 3 months without pay and they do not say anything. Send me mp do not spam. Thanks

The guy who said he's been paid had a request since September 24 and recived it December 23, almost 3 months, so maybe and I'm just saying maybe they will pay.
And I was planning to stop using Cloudzer today anyway, on January 1st I'm even thinking of deleting all my files.
I have more than €900 in my stat counter for today alone, either they are mistaken as it didn't add to my overall balance or a debrid site bought his accounts from my referral, probably more than 100x1 month accounts or 20x1 year accounts.
Anyway would love to put my hands on that money.
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cloudzer be stopping the aff program from janauary so in my oppion they are doing a runner in over words prepare to be ditched no money nothing and it be your silly fault because i said cloudzer is scam
I stopped using them but I was checking to see the status of my payout.
Maybe it's a fed up technician who didn't get paid and wanted to screw them by giving thousands of € to affiliates, or asomeone who's been waiting for payout hacked them and credited everyone with those huge amounts.
Or, and I know I'm only dreaming, they wanted to give us a goodbye gift, or they credited all the sales and downloads they shaved from us last year.
It's a shame that wjunction allow a server (cyando) make fun of everyone. is this fraudster and this forum allows
oh i know uploaded hasent paid tons of people why i refuse to work with uploaded there ppd dont work there stats is stuck everyday how do we know there not shaveing when stats not working
cloudzer & uploaded scam gave $$$$ to the admins from that german warez forum ( and they made advertisment there like ADV Messages to all user, big sticky on the header and more. Moderators started to ban people when they said something against this scam host. From beggining a lot of people have been banned. Now when the scam is over, the moderators just say it's ok when they scammed their users.:O)

so stay away from the scammers uploaded, boerse and co.

And why shouldn't boerse get the money if Cloudzer want to advertise on this Board? Do you believe WJ got eggs and apples from Cloudzer as they were STICKY?

Also can't believe that boerse banned Accounts only for this reason.
And why shouldn't boerse get the money if Cloudzer want to advertise on this Board? Do you believe WJ got eggs and apples from Cloudzer as they were STICKY?

There is a big difference between boerse and wjunction. Wjunction is a legal forum, and there isn't any problem by buying sticky thread. Boerse is an illegal warez forum.

I was live when they got banned because they warned users. I have over 2000+ posts on boerse and don't said anything bcause I was afraid and dont wanted to lose the account.
But fact is that both Boards have to pay for Server etc., so it is normal that boerse makes Advertisement for them (and it doesn't matter if legal or illegal).

And in this case they (the Moderators) wasn't so strange like it was with the Big
(and it doesn't matter if legal or illegal)

It doesn't matter for boerse, but for uploaded, cloudzer it does matter. Do you know what will happen when swiss police finds an evidence that uploaded ( cloudzer ) bought advertisment on a illegal warez forum? :-= They'll be all fucked. They're currently under heavy pressure from coryright holders with this evidence it'd be the golden shot.
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