Check ranking by hand

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In the beginning I used to use the tool, but I realize it is not accurate. So I checked keyword manually.
1. Setting Google to display 100 results per page.
2. Search keyword on Google.
3. Ctrl + F and search your domain
You will get results if your website is in the top 100.
Customized results will always be in your site's favor when it comes to manual search so be sure to log off your account before checking keyword rankings. Manual tracking in search engine is not a waste of time because it has accurate results compared to other tools that are mostly relying on search engine results page.
So, What do you think about this?
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Though there exists many online tools to track your keyword rankings sometimes they will fail. In that case manual checking is effective.
Checking keyword ranking manually is the best way to know accurate rankings in Google.
I am also using the same method which you have explained here since many years.
BTW thanks for sharing your experience.
Also there is a keyword rank tracker tool i.e. SERP( dot )com which will give you accurate ranking all the time you check. ;)
Since 3 years when i entered this search marketing industry i am doing only manually checking method of ranking. After, update many algorithms there changes lot views on serp page so you want to analyze your ranking you should take manually only.
well checking thorugh tools always save lots of time when it comes to checking out for 100 keywords but on the other hands if you keep searching manually onlgoogle than google may show you website on the top rank always
I also check keywords manually as the tools may not be reliable. Keyword checker tools are generally based on some applications.
If you don't want to check the ranking with available free keyword position checker tool,i mean you don't trust those ranking then you can go manually.And you are right about manual technique.
Ofcourse sometimes you can get wrong checking results in tools. At that time if you are not sure about that tool then surely you have to go for manual checking.
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