Check out my SEO work - Its paying off :)

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Active Member
Well finally the time has come when all my SEO work has started paying off. A month back I used to get 20 UV from google and now its 700 UV. I never knew anything about SEO 2 months back. I asked some people to do SEO but all demanded cash and I didn't have any. And today I'm happy I couldn't pay for it because that is how I learn't everything on my own. I read tutorials, browsed the net, experimented, asked for tips and so on. I might not have top class SEO as I'm not professional but I could say its pretty decent. :)

I would like to say a BIG thank you to Mr Happy, thelolkid and TheDude. They gave me tips on how to start and go about. Even though they didn't do it for me, I respect them for all the tips and links they gave me to refer to for help. Thanks a lot guys !

I'm sure the curve will keep rising in the days to come. Hopefully all this will help my site do better. :)

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Well done mate :)

When people give you tips and techniques, the only thing you need to do is actually use them and you did. Most people read through pages of tutorials and keep asking others to do the work for them.

Its good to see you doing things for yourself, that's the only way to learn. Saved yourself some cash as well.

Your work paid off ;)
Well, Mr Happy is a SEO Guru :)

Nice, that you did this all by yourself :)

Even I'm learning & experimenting like you and hope to master most of the SEO tricks in due time.

Wish you luck and do improve ;)

Also, don't forget to give back the community by helping others in whatever sense you can. :)
Congrats mate, i see you have done quite some good job.

I recommend getting any help from Mr. Happy, he is a very good person.. :)
i know how hard you have worked bro
and i hope to see the google traffic raise higher every day
dont give you what your doing now

Good luck bro
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