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Active Member
Note to all cashwhore uploaders, fuck you all!
Go back to the good ol' days of 07-09 of rapidshare being a dominate force in the warez scene. Your all crying like fileserve & filesonic are to blame, there not. You are the ones to blame would you put your lively-hood on the line for x amount of people trying to benefit from copyrighted material?!, no you wouldn't so don't bitch and moan at them. There doing what is right for them & their company not for you. You can still upload to such filehosts but your just not going to profit, so I hope instead of swaping to a paid host you just leave the uploading scene because you - the cashwhore uploaders! have ruined what was once great about the internet, you've destroyed warez sites, taken away the much needed community, taken the fun out of it for dedicated uploaders who just done it for fun. You've tried to make a profit out of something that people put a lot of money into just because they enjoy it.

Now, cashwhore uploaders fuuck you all!
I love you dean2k :)

but... 05-09 FTW

.. hope this thread doesnt get closed.. you got balls bro.. lots of crying and people are telling the real sharers to fuck off. not cool you fucken cashwhores.
Well, I see your point for it's mine as well. But you forget, that no one forced filehosters to advertise with payment for downloads. THEY did that, and now they're running scared. The scene will stay and those who were in it just for the cash will leave, that's for sure. But it's much too easy just blaming the "cashwhores". They just want, what those hosters were promising. Remember, there's alway another side of the story. ;)
All those filehosts were going to come & go though, you see constant paid filehosts but they all fail because there all shit haha. Rapidshare ftw!
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