Can someone Suggest Me What Programming Language To Learn ?

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I'd recommend C++, I mastered it within a few hours. Why? Because it's pretty much the same as PHP/JS. So if you're interested in learning website languages as well, use C++ / PHP / JS since they use the same syntex so it's easy to learn the others once you've learnt just one of them.

(I've not tried learning C# so i can't recommend it nor can I not recommend it... VB I found hard because it's syntex was very different too what I'm used to :'()
Eclipse has launched a website for a new JVM language, called Xtend. It's built with Eclipse's Xtext and compiles directly to Java code, similar to what CoffeeScript does to Javascript. It's not just an announcement but it's already there and useable, including a very feature-rich Eclipse integration. :)
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