Byte Whale - 70% PPS initial sale + 60% Life time rebills

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Anyone has any updates on what's happening with this host? There has seem to be no activity here in the longest. And payments seemed to have stopped/halted. Payments for me were usually on point however I have now noticed the delay others been speaking about. Hopefully Bytewhale is still active as this was my preferred host.
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The website is dead
Can not upload files
They have not paid since December.
And do not respond


Some alternative to this (the sticker on the thread, is unnecessary) :facepalm:
is this host closed? i know that the owner of this host and staff of wjunction know each other... whats even worse is that my premium account that i paid for on bw was banned for unknown reason, and the only thing i can think of is that admin of wjunction is checking my ip and knows im a k2s affiliate and banned my account on bw that i paid for.... i wouldn't trust this host at all playing those shady tricks.

No reply when emailing their support, its been a couple of days.. if i was an affiliate i'd pull out quick, looks like all the people over at kk are already pulling out. Peter South is probably not wrong here, may be the same guy that had that host back in 2014.
Guys, have anyone received a payment in this new year?

I feel really disappointed with Alex, he's not paying, not answering emails, not inform us about the situation, ... But of course, he's receiving ALL the money from the rebills, sales that were made with our effort. I'm sorry to say but he is acting like a thief.
I didn't expect that.
KK dropped bytewhale almost instantly after only having them for a month or so, no word on what happened but i guess the admin ran with the cash, i feel like i dodged a bullet i though bytewhale was looking very promising but i stuck to my guns with k2s which has proven to be loyal to its affiliates.
Yeah, unfortunately i don't know where disappear Alex...[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]not pay, no reply to emails, no skype, nothing. Maybe he died. R.I.P :([/FONT]
Consider yourself lucky. He stole over 4000$ from me.

Really? How about posting your account info so we can see all of those sales you must have gotten?

KK dropped bytewhale almost instantly after only having them for a month or so, no word on what happened but i guess the admin ran with the cash, i feel like i dodged a bullet i though bytewhale was looking very promising but i stuck to my guns with k2s which has proven to be loyal to its affiliates.

Naw, bytewhale was there for at least 6 months.
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Consider yourself lucky. He stole over 4000$ from me.

Really? How about posting your account info so we can see all of those sales you must have gotten?

KK dropped bytewhale almost instantly after only having them for a month or so, no word on what happened but i guess the admin ran with the cash, i feel like i dodged a bullet i though bytewhale was looking very promising but i stuck to my guns with k2s which has proven to be loyal to its affiliates.

Naw, bytewhale was there for at least 6 months.

Why would I show you anything? Who are you? Do you think I care about what you think/believe?
If the mods need proof to ban him then I can show them, but It doesn't really matter anymore, bytewhale is dead...or..are you still using them?:)
He pulled the same trick twice, I should have known earlier that he is a piece of shit and can not trust him. My bad.
Really? How about posting your account info so we can see all of those sales you must have gotten?

KK dropped bytewhale almost instantly after only having them for a month or so, no word on what happened but i guess the admin ran with the cash, i feel like i dodged a bullet i though bytewhale was looking very promising but i stuck to my guns with k2s which has proven to be loyal to its affiliates.

Naw, bytewhale was there for at least 6 months.

Why would I show you anything? Who are you? Do you think I care about what you think/believe?
If the mods need proof to ban him then I can show them, but It doesn't really matter anymore, bytewhale is dead...or..are you still using them?:)
He pulled the same trick twice, I should have known earlier that he is a piece of shit and can not trust him. My bad.

Calm down, dude. Calm down. You claim you lost 4k without any proof. So of course someone is going to ask to see the proof. If you don't care what people think or believe, why tell us about it in the first place? Either way, you look like a complete fool. But I forgot, you don't care how you look. Np np.

And, no, I wasn't dumb enough to ever use them. Epecially after what that guy did in the past.
Really? How about posting your account info so we can see all of those sales you must have gotten?

KK dropped bytewhale almost instantly after only having them for a month or so, no word on what happened but i guess the admin ran with the cash, i feel like i dodged a bullet i though bytewhale was looking very promising but i stuck to my guns with k2s which has proven to be loyal to its affiliates.

Naw, bytewhale was there for at least 6 months.

Why would I show you anything? Who are you? Do you think I care about what you think/believe?
If the mods need proof to ban him then I can show them, but It doesn't really matter anymore, bytewhale is dead...or..are you still using them?:)
He pulled the same trick twice, I should have known earlier that he is a piece of shit and can not trust him. My bad.

Calm down, dude. Calm down. You claim you lost 4k without any proof. So of course someone is going to ask to see the proof. If you don't care what people think or believe, why tell us about it in the first place? Either way, you look like a complete fool. But I forgot, you don't care how you look. Np np.

And, no, I wasn't dumb enough to ever use them. Epecially after what that guy did in the past.

So I am a fool because I dont post my account info/stats on a public forum?
I am calm asshole,dont worry and again I dont need to prove anything for anyone, especially not for you. If you didn't use bytehwale why are you even here? After so many years you are still a forum poster ... With this retaded name "Jb wannabe" and you are calling me a fool.bravo!I am done with you poster boy.
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So I am a fool because I dont post my account info/stats on a public forum?
I am calm asshole,dont worry and again I dont need to prove anything for anyone, especially not for you. If you didn't use bytehwale why are you even here? After so many years you are still a forum poster ... With this retaded name "Jb wannabe" and you are calling me a fool.bravo!I am done with you poster boy.

First, I never said you were a fool. No, I said you looked like a fool. There is a difference. And why do you look foolish? Well, you got burned big time by a host and then foolishly trusted them again when they restarted up a new file host. And then you got burned again. I consider that to be pretty foolish.

Why didn't you just tell Alex early on that if you don't get paid, you will have no choice but to remove your links and replace them with a different host? And if he didn't pay you within a week or two, then you should have done it. And if he did pay you, great! But if another month went by without further payment, then you should have dumped them. Plain and simple. I've been burned by many hosts over the years. RS, MU, LS, Oron and others I who's names escape me. Shit happens. But it's pretty darn foolish to keep pumping money into Alex's pocket while you get nothing.

And if your 4K claim is true, then it's pretty foolish to keep making them money while they refuse to pay you for the better part of a year. SMH

I don't think I've ever even downloaded one of their links before, so I don't care about them one way or another. But it is pretty lame - Or is that foolish? - when you accuse someone of something and then refuse to back up your claim with simple proof. You're just another anon here, so what difference does it make to you if you post a screen shot showing the balance? Other than proving that you are not exaggerating - Because nobody does that online! - it won't effect you in any way, shape or form. Hell, it might even get you some sympathy. Of course at this point, it's all pretty moot because it would way too easy for you to doctor the proof.

BTW, I'm thinking of starting up a new filehost. It's called Interested?
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So I am a fool because I dont post my account info/stats on a public forum?
I am calm asshole,dont worry and again I dont need to prove anything for anyone, especially not for you. If you didn't use bytehwale why are you even here? After so many years you are still a forum poster ... With this retaded name "Jb wannabe" and you are calling me a fool.bravo!I am done with you poster boy.

First, I never said you were a fool. No, I said you looked like a fool. There is a difference. And why do you look foolish? Well, you got burned big time by a host and then foolishly trusted them again when they restarted up a new file host. And then you got burned again. I consider that to be pretty foolish.

Why didn't you just tell Alex early on that if you don't get paid, you will have no choice but to remove your links and replace them with a different host? And if he didn't pay you within a week or two, then you should have done it. And if he did pay you, great! But if another month went by without further payment, then you should have dumped them. Plain and simple. I've been burned by many hosts over the years. RS, MU, LS, Oron and others I who's names escape me. Shit happens. But it's pretty darn foolish to keep pumping money into Alex's pocket while you get nothing.

And if your 4K claim is true, then it's pretty foolish to keep making them money while they refuse to pay you for the better part of a year. SMH

I don't think I've ever even downloaded one of their links before, so I don't care about them one way or another. But it is pretty lame - Or is that foolish? - when you accuse someone of something and then refuse to back up your claim with simple proof. You're just another anon here, so what difference does it make to you if you post a screen shot showing the balance? Other than proving that you are not exaggerating - Because nobody does that online! - it won't effect you in any way, shape or form. Hell, it might even get you some sympathy. Of course at this point, it's all pretty moot because it would way too easy for you to doctor the proof.

BTW, I'm thinking of starting up a new filehost. It's called Interested?

Oh my..You talk so much bullshit. Do not try so hard, you are not that smart.
"[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] Well, you got burned big time by a host and then foolishly trusted them again when they restarted up a new file host. And then you got burned again."

Who the fuck said that I burned myself big time with I used them for a 1-2 months, then removed their links because they were shit. Rebills kept coming in, they paid 3-4 weeks of rebills then they closed their "business" and I lost a few hundred $ , its probably a huge sum for you, but nothing for me and its something what we can not controll.

I didnt trust him when he started a new host, but I couldnt find any good alternative. In 2015 I tested them on one of my sites, for a few weeks,got a few sales and rebills, then decided to go back to DF. In the next few months/weeks he paid my rebills promptly without any delay. DF went crazy, they started to shave and count insane amount of refunds(some were 6 months+ old) one day they deducted 400$ from my balance so I decided to leave them and use bytewahele on my sites.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Why didn't you just tell Alex early on that if you don't get paid, you will have no choice but to remove your links and replace them with a different host? And if he didn't pay you within a week or two, then you should have done it. And if he did pay you, great! But if another month went by without further payment, then you should have dumped them."
Again you have no idea what you are talking about.Alex paid me on every monday without any hold. Later in november he said there was a delay so my money will be on hold for a week, just like for every other user, I said fine.

At the end of nov it was two weeks hold because of some bs excuse. That point I removed my links and told him to pay or I am not going to use them. He paid me a week, I replaced my links back to bytewhale, 1 week later delay again and that point I removed all my links permanently. So smart ass, I dont think I did much mistakes. Two weeks of payment was around 1700-1800$ the rest are rebills and its something, what you probably dont't know that rebills are keep coming in, its still counting. This is how it became over 4000$ at the end.

If you use a host for a few months and already have a good amount of rebills then you don't wanna dump them easily, if you do they can just simply ban your account and take your rebills, because you are not valuable for them anymore.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I am not going to post anything because I dont give a flying fuck about what you think, but please DO NOT try to be so smart.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hell, it might even get you some sympathy"
Not interested in [/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular], but I suggest you to go back posting your porn links instead of arguing with random people you "JB WANNABE".[/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]
I hope we can finish here.

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