BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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BULLET what is happenning with download speeds? I have premium and I tried to download a file of 750 MB and I need to wait 13 hours to finish that download . This is not possible at a host which want to be competitive.
We changed the main server and we added 2 more, this was the reason we stopped the site for 1hour, but we are still making configurations. Also I am sure that the website is loading much better, even if the problems with the speed is not resolved. We are working 24/7 to resolve this issue. Please have a little faith.

Best Regards,


I'm normally a very patient person, but 2 days after you added servers, I still see no improvement. Me and my downloaders are becoming impatient now... And I regret I bought 3 months premium X-(

Guys, is this so hard to read their TOS ?


Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification.
And yes that sucks, I have uploaded porn on their servers anyway, fuck da police :P
So what.... PORN ALLOWED OR NOT ???????????????

When I talk about its answer, some BulletUpload lovers(!) come up here to threaten me with reporting to the mods because of spamming! :facepalm:

As you see, this excellent staff don't answer, I do answer that question.

Max download file size changed to:
- guest: 800MB
- user: 1024MB
- premium:5GB
Please can you increase the unregistered users (guest) limit to 1024MB ? I think that this simple change will help a lots of uploaders to use your service because they will not have to change file size of a lots of their files...8-)

P.S. This is the the fifth time that I ask this, why you don't answer ? Maybe you think that this change is not important or you don't want to make it...just say something please...
I tried to download one of my links to see what hoops a user has to go through to download a file and I had a pop up window appear. Avast blocked the pop up from loading because it says there is a Trojan in the page. No one will download my files if the download page pop up is corrupt.
If you don't fix this, I'm going to pull all my links and leave.

Plus your remote upload is broken, Doesn't seem to download at all, just sits there at 0%
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