BTC-E - A Dummy's Guide to trading

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Mind Freak™

Active Member

A Basic Intro

Basically I am here to explain about, BTC-e is one of the oldest and the largest cryptocurrency exchanger online. I have been personally using BTC-e for quite a decent amount of period without any issue or a lag time for my daily turn over. It isn't that complicated as it looks but well you can easily make profit out of it


You can simply sign up at from here and get started with it here's how simple is the registration page


After you have signed up you just have to verify your email to get started.

On Site After Registration

As soon as you are done with the registration you are greeted with the site with the homepage where you can find detailed charts/price notifications/chat/trade area


On the Header you would see the latest price trends including the market price along with the last buy price the high price and the low price of the day

Then as you scroll down you would see the chart


If you do understand chart reading this would be a good option for you

Then a bit down you would see the Buying and Selling section, This is where the main action begins here you could manipulate the price according to your budget and place a market order if someone is willing to go with your price your order would complete basically it is just automated. If someone has or is creating an order likely to match yours then your order gets cleared basically its just like stock market if anyone of you readers have traded in stock before

BTC-E Charges 0.2% of the transaction


Then a bit down you are greeted with the market order log and the current successful trade log that's basically where you can see open market orders and trade history


Then Comes the TrollBox/Chatbox/Shitbox call whatever you want never follow their advice as mostly its full of block hunters to create a random rise in the market and create a dispurt so just read and have a good laugh never follow their advice.


Now comes the main part i.e Finances


At the Header select the Finances tab and you would be led the deposit and withdrawal area. To Deal basically you need to deposit right ? So Currently USD Deposit payment methods which are accepted are


Each Payment method has its own fees added to it so always calculate your sale and purchase by keeping in mind the payment processor's fees +'s fees

So here was a quick start guide on BTC-E do leave a comment about your experience at BTC-E
I use kraken for trading, there are Leverage option for trading and other things, and you can follow how much you're loosing or earning and track everything
Look at this official video

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