Brand (paintin) new image host - please review

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CyberMind, I have to say one sentence. "Nice Work Mate. Keep up ur Work" :P No seriously it is looking something Good
Thanks humour. RK, correction; CM is crazy bored AND is getting crazy with MS PAINT! xD

Btw, the box won't be there, it's just an indication of where the image will be. ;)

Trying to keep it as clean as possible. xD
@ lifetalk: Thanks, lol. :D

@ CM: Amazing again! :D It is really a great layout (i.e., the position of links and uploaded image). ;)

Can't wait to see CM's designs coded. :D
Sorry, but I did this design in paint - in 10 minutes. If you think I stole it, please GFY. I don't need to steal a design that was done in MS Paint ffs. Don't flatter yourself. Fail much.

I wasn't being too serious. And flatter myself how? I was pointing out a site made by aeroflux/thegodfather with VPS offers, made in paint. So the style is basically the same, that's all I was saying.
Ofcourse you didn't "steal" it but this guy makes his site a month ago in paint (people saying wow awesome idea) and now you make one. Probably coincidence though.
There was a time when i was inspired by google. Now its as bulky as any other engine. They lost touch with their audience. The google homepage sucks now (if ur not signed into i-google).
He better be :| xD

Added after 14 minutes:


But it's just a simple rotation. =/ I would've done it on Paint but you kinda can't rotate it less than 90 degrees..
Alright. Zip upload mod done. Upload a .zip file with maximum 30 images (max filesize 30mb) and images will be extracted, etc.

It's a bit buggy (although you prolly wont notice if you play nice). I'll fix up the upload file completely tomorrow).
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