VPS BoxSlots.com - Unmetered 100Mbit/1Gbit/2Gbit VPS from £24.99/month (Netherlands, USA)

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rar unrar?

If you mean can you use RAR then yes, this is fine as long as you respect your usage and do not constantly degrade the I/O of other users on your disk drive.

u still seliing them
do they come with Rar/unrar??

You will have to do this yourself but RAR is easily installed on Linux, we can point you in the correct direction if you wish, just create us a ticket.

ordered a 2gbps vps...what kinda speeds shud i expect mate? was a bit alarmed while installing kloxo....downloading took some time....anyways gimme a range plz...

It is hard to put a number on what speeds you are going to see, it depends on hundreds of different factors. You have full burstable access to 2x1Gbit dedicated uplinks. Also Kloxo always takes a while to install, just the same as cPanel does :)
Superb support!

I ordered their 2Gbit package a couple of days ago and since then I'm a satisfied customer! Speed is great but their service is even better! I troubled them with a lot of noob questions and they answered and helped me with every one of them! (Some of them were quite ridiculous :D)
Keep it up!
The download speeds form SCC are pretty amazing. Can you please show us a screen of the upload speed to SCC? In the NL-250, can you please disclose the number of users per node?

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I was thinking buying a vps from you and was already to payout but saw that i have 5 pounds for setup fees.:O
I would like to know if there is setup fees or not, cause i red somewhere that there was no setup fees.
I was thinking buying a vps from you and was already to payout but saw that i have 5 pounds for setup fees.:O
I would like to know if there is setup fees or not, cause i red somewhere that there was no setup fees.
Hello there, the £5 setup fee only applies when you purchase one of our pre-configured OS packages. If you are confident enough to install the applications by yourself and wish to have a default OS build then there is no setup fee :)
Luisfigo, you order will have been dispatched within the 24hr time frame stated in the FAQ. We always try our best to get orders out as soon as possible.

Also thanks for your kind words Kenshin & Fakie, much appreciated!
I just bought a VPS NL-50 from boxslots.com.But Im getting very slow download speeds from Filesonic .And RAM usage at night time IST is 92-96%(even when i didnt use sborg) and during day time IST is 35-50% max.(when im using sborg).Can you tell me this discrepancy?
I just bought a VPS NL-50 from boxslots.com.But Im getting very slow download speeds from Filesonic .And RAM usage at night time IST is 92-96%(even when i didnt use sborg) and during day time IST is 35-50% max.(when im using sborg).Can you tell me this discrepancy?

You need to realize what your actually doing with such a small vps lol, buy bigger if you look on there site the nl-50 only has 512MB Ram matey :) i'd suggest opening a ticket or upgrade as i said you get your monies worth for just a touch more than a tenner cant complain really lol
Is there any progress regarding WINDOWS ?

We plan to have some XEN/Windows packages up in the future but I cannot give a specific date yet sorry.

I just bought a VPS NL-50 from boxslots.com.But Im getting very slow download speeds from Filesonic .And RAM usage at night time IST is 92-96%(even when i didnt use sborg) and during day time IST is 35-50% max.(when im using sborg).Can you tell me this discrepancy?

As far as I'm aware we have no known network issues at this time. RAM usage is up to you to manage, it cannot just disappear, you are dedicated the full 512MB RAM at all times with 768MB burst. Please check your server for any un-wanted processes.

i had the same prob ... only first few days speed were kinda good .. after that got worst

Hey, could you please explain a bit on what speeds got worse and which processes you were running?
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