VPS BoxSlots.com - Unmetered 100Mbit/1Gbit/2Gbit VPS from £10.99/month (Netherlands)

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great, now the billing system and main site is down for a maintenance again and they have yet to refund me. Please do process my refund faster or I'll simply just dispute it.
spangler - The VPS are up... they are repairing their main site & billing sector. You can have some faith after all cuz they are the first host to be back after so many issues. :)
eddy - if u were billed again open a Support Ticket when the billing sector is back. Check mails possibly ur credentials would be there ;)


I have 2 invoices for december. When the sites back up il send a ticket :)

but Ive been asking since yesturday... please can anybody answer?....

When boxslots is back up, will I get an email with NEW VPS login details?

Thank you
Hmm... Best option would be either PM Bharat, Zack or any other BoxSlots staff here other than rk. :)

I Cant help u technically as i m not a staff... but incase u are able to login on the VPS Panel then i guess ur service is activated.
spangler - The VPS are up... they are repairing their main site & billing sector. You can have some faith after all cuz they are the first host to be back after so many issues. :)

I am sorry did I ever said that the VPS are down ? Yeah well they said they gonna refund me 24 hours ago. I dont know whats their problem and really sorry to talk in here its because as you know they are maintaining their main site and billing.

I've been extremely patience since 2 days ago.
Sorry Spangler, it's kind of hard to refund somebody when billing/main site are in maintenance mode :)

We'll get to it when we can.

We're doing our best to get everything finished. We're refunding people when we can, it's not easy getting everything ready in 24 hours.

Also, I'd like to know how we are hiding behind curtains.. Stirring up drama isn't going to help the situation.

well you could at least reply to peoples PMs

I can login to my VPS billing area, but I didnt get an email with my VPS login details. And Ive been billed twice for december.

All that I ask is for some kind of a reply, even if its just a "we'll get back to you" or "just hang fire" or even any kind of a reply would be nice :'(

Sorry about that, I have around 20 PM's & it's really inconvenient for me until I get home (5 hours from now :( ), it's a lot easier if people contact me directly (SKype / MSN).

Thats fine. you should of said :)

But if i can login to my VPS... and change host name, root password, and console password... then i can edit them to what I want and then im done right?

And from there I can install rTorrent ?
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