- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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stay waiting :
the new reward option: Pay per Sale

anothor thing : why bitshare not work with internet download manager !!
I am very sad, my rank drop from platinum to silver

Bitshare,can you give me platinum again?
user id: cfs5403
In queue 2011-07-31 1:10
In queue 2011-07-23 5:38
In queue 2011-07-17 23:05

Bitshare support, please let us know will you pay out for us? I trust you, but quite quite long time.
Pls upgrade my account to platinum...
My current rank is copper...
I will be very active in bitshare
you can trust me

username : flashes

Hope you will help me
In queue 2011-07-31 1:10
In queue 2011-07-23 5:38
In queue 2011-07-17 23:05

Bitshare support, please let us know will you pay out for us? I trust you, but quite quite long time.

Amount more than 50$? If yes, you will have to wait ...... just like me... :facepalm:
I have 3 pending request, all over $50 since June 2011. Bitshare told me to request "small" amount which i did on 2011-07-23 (request $50) , and i get paid today while those 3 still pending...
@ti-tou: When did you request? Any proof?

There are 3 inqueue payout on my account:
In queue 2011-07-31 1:10 133.98 $
In queue 2011-07-23 5:38 85.56 $
In queue 2011-07-17 23:05 196.52 $

What happended with Bitshare?
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