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Active Member
Hello everyone. My suggestion is for the avatars. :)

Most of the boards in the Web have a way bigger place for avatars.

I think that this change will be a + for WJunction. :)

Check the current size:

Check what could be: (Used 170 x 200)

New size limit could be something like 170 x 200 or 170 x 220

It's a REALLY, REALLY nice idea, guys. What is your opinion? And don't forget to check the pics! = )

Support this feature, if you like it! :)


Best Regards,
M.D.House. = )
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Avatars serves no real purpose, it's there for your personal amusement...
Except your nickname, join date, and number of posts, nothing else have any purpose, except to be nice and shiny...and take load on server...
Those stars above avatar, remind me on IMDb rating system, like we are objects to be rated...
I personally have all images blocked on this website, and many others. I like to leave not very useful information out of my screen.
We discussed to actually give the respected members the ability to have bigger avatars, but we agreed that we did not want the forum to end up looking like a kindergarten.

Respected members will have more opportunities than those in the normal group.

Fancy, show what you are worth, and you will most likely experience other unique fun features plus some more fun.
Having large avatars reduces your traffic. Avatars are among the biggest files on a webpage to download. Stuff like the javascript, css stylesheets and images like the WJ logo are cached but you can't possibly have every avatar of every member cached. As a result pages take longer to load and people view less pages, make less topics and less replies resulting in a lower site activity. Now I know it's probably a 5-10% reduction but 5-10% reduction in new topics means you have less topics to reply to which reduces it further. It also means less topics for Google to index which reduces it again.
Add to this the fact that Google takes into account page speed having large avatars slows a site and therefore reduces your Google traffic. This means less Organic traffic, less new members and less new content.

Overall it's a bad idea.
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Thanks for all participating.

Conclusion, staff decided no need for bigger avatars we are good as is :)

Closing Thread to prevent clutter.
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