Best Web 2.0 Software with One Time Payment Option?

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Hello Everyone,

I am looking for a good, perfectly workable web 2.0 submission software with one time payment option. I heard about SE Nuke, Magic submitter, Sick submitter, Zenno poster and some similar software but most of them want recurring monthly payment. Before buying I'd love to check the trial version (if any). I already tested Zenno but didn't understand anything!

I am not a tech guy so I want something simple. I can't draw diagram and all those crap things. Now I am looking for a permanent solution at a lifetime payment. I don't want to include myself in recurring program as I'd often use this software. Basically I am looking for a software that could successfully post in most famous web 2.0 platform e.g. wordpress, weebly, blogspot, altervista, livejournal, jimdo, etc. I have no intention to post in 100s of crap web 2.0 sites.

So guys please give me your honest suggestion.
You should not use any software which will submit content in automated way. Its spamming and Google doesnt like that. Rather post unique content on each site.
What you guys are saying? Suppose we have a content published on our main site and that content we would like to spread in several web 2.0 sites that we own actually to get some backlinks. Google is going to penalize my site for that act? We are not stealing or publishing other people contents but our very own... Please clarify your statements.
Heard about scrapebox? It can make your submission easier. The automation submissions only valid for commenting and pinging. Others are backlinks scrape, IP scrape, keyword scrape and more. But, I suggest forget it! because all automation submissions can harm your effort of link building.

Hi James, I have scrapebox but I don't think Scrapebox is capable of doing what opt has been asking for. Can you submit a post to multiple web 2.0 blogs at the same time with Scrapebox? I think opt is curious about hub and resources strategy... That's why he is asking for this kind of software. I don't know about this kind of software and if anyone can tell I would be grateful too!
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