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Active Member

I would like to know the best way to get donations from a website - don't know if this fits into 'money making' though.

I would think paypal, but there is a risk of being kicked off if your website has warez/torrent content (did happen for a few websites/communities, although I see some that have paypal for a long time!) & there is a need to identify at one point...

Is there any better way? Something more secure / anonymous?

Any ideas?

Thanks & good luck with your websites :)
If you use paypal you will be open to the biggest amount of donators. You just have to be smart when using it.

Other options are moneybookers, liberty reserve, western union and alert pay. None have the user base paypal does but all are not as strict.
None are anonymous and you won't find any anonymous ways of handling money, and if you do I wouldn't use it.
If you're worried about accepting donations then...don't accept them. IMO they just make a website look cheap, especially when there are plently of ad places willing to take sites on.

Unless you run a private torrent tracker, I don't think there is any need to ask in the first place. But thats just my opinion.
Hey, thanks for your reply :)


I heard about webmoney, ukash... but might not be easy to implement and might not sound natural to users :/

Any tips with paypal? Does anybody knows the max amount before they ask for ID verification?


I was thinking about ads too, but i wonder if it would be possible to keep a site ad free, and rely on donations to pay for server bills...

I think that if I ask for donations, then i won't setup any ads, and If i go for ads, won't ask for donation... Still in the thinking process anyway!

Maybe ads would be a more efficient way to pay the bills, dunno...

Thanks again both of you for your inpout :)
Thanks for your reply kicker.

They ask for id after one month even if you don't use it much / have much money on it?

I tought there was some kind of limit before you had to give your ID, but can't find the real information on the web...

Hum, that's not a good news..
kolaps I'm guessing you're indian? along with kicker-hp. Because in europe and north america they don't ask for verification until you reach about $5,000 and yes I've reached that limit without running into any problems.

You're also right about webmoney, they are a decent service to use. Also ads usually never compare to donations unless you flood your site with them or have lots of incoming traffic.
@ so19

Hey mate,im not an indian ,im an european too from albania ,my first fail with paypal was an UK Adress and got limited with 25$ within 30 days or so..
No, I'm from southern europe. - i wish i was indian sometimes though :)

So If I create an account, it might be ok until 5000$? Are you sure of that?

If so then i'd be fine, as i don't expect my website to bring that much & will use what I earn to pay for hosting each month..
Oh, didn't see your message kicker...

Did you have a UK IP address? (Because if not maybe that's the reason why they locked your account?)
Well, it was not a post in here, but information i did read elsewhere, like a few torrent site admin who had their accounts frozen... & kicked had the problem too :/

I wonder what are their rules...
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