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I've recently got my hands on my first VPS, it's Debian Lenny powered, 500mhz cpu, 512mb ram (2gb burstable), 50 gb diskspace and 100gb bandwith.

I was hoping to someone in the community could point me to the right direction so that I can use it for my purposes below. :). (With pointing I mean link me to a recommended tutorials etc.)

Basically I would like the ability to do that following things:
Managing FTP accounts.
Managing multiple websites (virtual host, apache, mysql, php)
Create email account
Managing DNS settings

If you would recommend any (free) control panel, then I will be pleased to hear so. :)

Kind regards,
Install CPanel for $13/month
You can get a free trial for 15 days and after that pay $13/month for license.
Its easiest AIO solution for all your needs
I'm familiar with CPanel, infortuantly I currently don't have any money availeble to purchase it. I have forgotten to say in the main post to tell that free control panel recommendations are welcome.
I've just looked at the kloxo website, and I saw that it installs everything for you. Including apache etc, isn't that dangerous for security?
Kloxo is good, but you need CENTos .... I am not sure if it runs on Debian .. almost sure it doesn't.

Ask your provider to install it for you .. they should have a template available.
I can choose in my control panel which os I want to be installed. Then it will reinstall within 5 minutes so that isn't a problem.

I'm also leaning towards webmin, which I've seen before. I only can't seem to figure out how to create email accounts with it.
Installing kloxo now, need to learn ypu instead of apt-get. Not sure if I will stick with it though. Any suggestions for debian 5.0 are still welcome.
I dont use debian as I use CentOs and ssh.
BTW, if you dont want a GUI for your needs, you can use trial of cpanel, it will automatically install all things and you can set it, even after 15 days your settings will remain
nietdanNL, i would recommend you to install Kloxo, but be sure you have CentOS 5.4 on your vps.

BTW: yum is much easier then apt-get.

Dutch: ik zie dat je nederlander bent, ik ook dus <3
ik gebruik zelf ook kloxo en het is de beste gratis control panel.
maar gebruik sowieso centos 5.4 ;)

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