Be the first to possess whole-new Cancellation Center For WHMCS!

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1. Hot off the press: Cancellation Center For WHMCS

Modern companies are bound to adjust their software quality to the increasing customer expectations and think of ever new ways to improve the competitive edge. To cater for the unique needs of our clients, we are proud to announce that our family of WHMCS modules has just welcomed brand-new member: Cancellation Center For WHMCS!

With this fully featured tool you will be granted the ability to collect targeted feedback by designing short questionnaires for your clients to complete before submitting a cancellation request. Choose among four different question types, combine them into groups that will be assigned to chosen products plus set up a personalized notification that your clients will see on top of your survey.

No less convenient is the possibility for you to view graphic summary of all the latest cancellations or choose the product per which the statistics you wish to be displayed. Additionally, you will be granted the right to choose whether the “End of the billing period” option should be disabled until the time specified by you.

We do understand, however, that not everyone likes to have everything handed to them on a silver platter so let us keep some of the other secret weapons of our brand-new module for you to discover!

Follow up on all the ins-and-outs of our newest Cancellation Center For WHMCS!

2. Among our other recently released modules, all fully compatible with WHMCS V7.8.3, you will find such spicy additions as:

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