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Ak isn't racist, he's just stupidly random sometimes. :P

Also, the title of this thread makes no sense, rofl.
It should be "Ban Ak47, A Racist" or something, not BANNED. Ahahaha.
lmao I'm laughing this thread is still going on, Obviously if you get scammed you will find the stereotypical coincidence in countries, Take for example(Kid inside game doesnt speak well or asks for a team or someshit you automatically think BR,Eggy,etc... I don't mind racism its all funny to me idgaf. All people, societys, countries make mistakes usa sure as hell shouldnt talk, but then again other countries do to so I say fuck all I cbf to take every racist comment to heart... I say no ban, I encourage racism because we all need to get used to it, its not gonna end so lets get fuckin used to it
mod pls close this thread, a person is allowed to express his own ideas in every world, if that is against the rules of that country he will be jailed. think this is scene, no difference b/w Indian,Pakistani,Belgian etc, all are here to share there ideas with others, so pls stop these simple problems
Yeh ban that fag, his lame ass SB shouts OMG redirects to his lame site!

j/kj/k j/k why bans AK? Sure he has his moments but hes just fucking around ;)
Baaa closed, if he does anything, PM me with a screenshot or something and I'll look into it.

Just one advice though, you don't have to report every single little thing, sometimes it's meant as a joke, if you're not liking the joke, ask him to stop, if he doesn't stop, then report it.

Basically, everyone just take it easy.
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