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New Member
Hello, I'm newbie in this kind of thing.

How to make the CPM of popunder is higher.
and does the count of page views affect?
I mean, I read on the internet said that popunder ads is for blog that has huge visitors and less pages. I'm using Tumblr, so does it mean that I have to make each page contains of 15 posts ?

or the other way?

thanks heaps in advance for helping
i'm a bit confused.
Some networks pay for unique visitors and some of them can pay for multiple views from 1 visitor. You need to check other networks and compare profits. In ours - Poponclick, we pay more than once for one visitor because we have more ads but there is possibility that you will earn more in another ad network because of traffic's geo.
We work with plugrush our site gets 24 to 40 Uv our Cpm varies from 0.6 to 1.2
I asked plugrush support about this they said if I get traffic from us and European countries then my Cpm will grow
yes me too. I have 7k visitors and 33k page views each day. However, plugrush only catch 4k visitors or even less. Idk what's going on.
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