Anyone want to write some blogs for me?

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Active Member

Anyone that is in to web graphics, graphic designs, web development interested in writing some articles for me while i get my website coded up and ready for release. What's the best starting point? Anyone willing to write for free in their spare time? I know its a big ask but if you dont ask you'll never know will you lol

Anyone let me know what you guys think - no silly immature answers please - keep it real ;)
Honesty is always good but if you want my honest opinion you are better off paying someone who is good and knowledgeable in the fields you require to write articles for you or just go at it alone.

The key to blogs with articles and tutorials is quality not quantity, If your articles are high quality and your visitors actually learn something from them then they will come back for more. If you get someone who does not know much about graphic design for example to write an article and they are not getting paid for it its probably going to suck and your visitors are not going to hang around for long (why should they the internet is full of knowledge they can just go some where else).

Just look at the tutsplus network every single article they produce is high quality and written (or recorded) by someone who knows that particular filed well.

That's just my 2c.
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If you can't do it yourself then there is no other way around but to pay for somebody else who can do the job. Writing is not an easy task, even with knowledge about the topic you will still need to research. Hiring someone in freelance portals is ideal becaue you can set your budget and find someone who can work within your set rate.

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