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is very good for sites with lots of images.

I have 2 sites with lol images, made a custom autoposter and the traffic is very good.

You just need to make some good followers
Pinterest is pretty good but only if you post stuff that is of interest to the users. I found that the main user base are female.

Also there is quite a lot of spam on pinterest so make sure you post stuff that doesn't look like spam.

Also found out that words like AMAZING or BRILLIANT will also result in more traffic.
It depends on the website. If all you're posting is a simple image the referral traffic isn't nearly as high as if you post a short article below a picture.
Pinterest doesn't help in SEO, don't waste your time in this. I've tried Pinterest for a few months with a lots of "repins" and "likes" but didn't gain a considerable number of visits.

I don't recommend. If you want good traffic, use Google+, Reddir or Stumble Upon.
Its been more of a hit or miss for me. I've tried pinterest out. For some of my sites its been DAMN good at getting me more traffic, and for some others I haven't received as much but its been pretty decent to me.

Overall I think it can be an important part of my Traffic portfolio but nothing to totally depend on
Yup funny stuff sure is a winner on there as well as cute things. This is because over 80% of ppl on there are women. You will notice almost every girl on there has some sort of board for weddings, fitness, health, fashion, food and of course hunks. Most of my followers will come from funny pins and fitness related help pins. Just dont flog offers or no one will follow, try and keep it at about 85% content and 15% selling.
Tried it,

Decent results, nothing amazing. (Based from personal experience)

Yeah its good to have but it didn't produce that much for me, a little referral traffic came through though.
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