Any open source CMS that can create professional looking websites?

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New Member
Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum so I hope I'm posting in the right section/not doing anything against the rules..

I'm looking into creating a website with a CMS, originally I was going to use Motocms, the website I had created there looked better than most of the websites I come across on a daily basis so I really liked the program but then I realized I couldn't add a database to the website I created. It definitely became a big no-no to continue and now I'm in search of a CMS that is similar to Motocms but with more features. I've never really looked into other CMS's and I ran into Joomla. I like it but I feel that I can't really control the design of the website as freely as I could on MotoCMS. I've read a little about PyroCMS and it also seemed like a great choice but I'd like to know if there are any other powerful CMS's that are simple yet powerful.

Thanks to anyone that can help me, by the way I know I already said it but this is my first post and my name is Dann. Yes with 2 N's!
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I have noticed many many many professional websites use WordPress but there are some that use Joomla. But i think a majority use WordPress.
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