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Active Member
got an error I cant find any info on, anybody every saw it before?

Invalid SQL:

SELECT prefix.*
FROM forumprefixset AS forumprefixset
INNER JOIN prefixset AS prefixset ON (prefixset.prefixsetid = forumprefixset.prefixsetid)
INNER JOIN prefix AS prefix ON (prefix.prefixsetid = prefixset.prefixsetid)
WHERE forumprefixset.forumid = 71
ORDER BY prefixset.displayorder, prefix.displayorder;

MySQL Error : Table '(database-name).prefix' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
ok,first I apologize for the attitude ,been a hard 6 days. the table doesnt exist, never has , i have put up 4 sqls from different times and error is the same and table is not there.Ive replaced newthread.php file and same.Board works everywhere but posting a new thread, you can reply to an existing thread but, just cant make a new one.Any ideas?
install a fresh copy on a sub-domain then copy the missing part
of the DB and paste it into the current one ??

Just an idea that's what i do when i mess up xD
db has to be rebuilt

Few ways :

*Try the repair option available in vBulletin Admin CP .
*Re Upload all vBulletin *.php files with the original ones.
*Run the upgrade script again ( rebuilds the db ) structure (best approach).
install a fresh copy on a sub-domain then copy the missing part
of the DB and paste it into the current one ??

see thats the problem, it doesnt exist, never has.I have installed 4 different sql backups ,went to phpmyadmin and its not there on any of them.(went back to Jan9,2009 on one)Still no answer.Ive rebuilt it with everything but a claw hammer and a 2 x 4 .
no i mean look through the code itself and see where it asks
for the DB then remove than piece of code - could work

That is if is not used at all and not needed - i'm not sure.


it could be because of the style/template/skin you are using on your forum
and where ever you got the skin from the author might of had an additional
mod/product installed with it?
Were you trying to clean the prefixes table and accidentally dropped the table ? I did the same when I was playing with LinkzBot addon. Just install a new vB at a new db and then move it here.
well, wasn't cleaning, my tables dont have a prefix, newthread.php cant be recoded to work, i tried.Not the skin either, tried different ones call for same file
this where file calls for it ,

$prefixsets = array();
		$prefix_sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
			SELECT prefix.*
			FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forumprefixset AS forumprefixset
			INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "prefixset AS prefixset ON (prefixset.prefixsetid = forumprefixset.prefixsetid)
			INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "prefix AS prefix ON (prefix.prefixsetid = prefixset.prefixsetid)
			WHERE forumprefixset.forumid = " . intval($forumid) . "
			ORDER BY prefixset.displayorder, prefix.displayorder

where it says "SELECT prefix.*" is where error comes from, if i delete *, the error changes to "SELECT prefix", if i remove that line, says wrong sql error

Anybody running 3.7 that can look in there phpmyadmin and see if they have that table?
Id like to thank Cho Wo Fat , a Manchurian "almost" member here, reads everything but hasn't registered, saw my error and translated a fix, so far it works, thanks to everyone else that tried
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