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hello guys,

i live in the Netherland. i earn like 500 dollar a month. but i need to pay tax here, because i get the money in my banc account. i assume the tax girls will see this right? is there a method not to pay tax? like opening a banc account in an another country and send the money directly to there?
They'll catch up with you sooner or later. I'm a registered corporation, so it works for me to make a claim for all my income. Register as a simple business and claim bills like your tv, hydro, rent, internet, phone...Your losses will probably outweigh your income, so you can just capital cost allowance it and carry it forward for the next year on your taxes. Not sure about your laws there, but you probably would not even need a business number. You'd just fill out a business income form on your taxes.
500/month is nothing your safe, wait until you make +1500€/month then start thinking of having account outside of country or pay taxes if you want.
You cant open a euroswish account even If you earn 500 dollar in a day. If you have a million dollar of black money, then you can thinks about it. And one last think. Swise bank does not gives any interest to their customers but takes interest for holding customer money. Only one think they provide is your privacy. Thats are 99.99 % guaranteed in any condition even any country diplomat condition also, they don't reveal you.
No, i don't think, here in NL, or in TR (i am just like you, aslinda niye ingilizce yaziyoz ki) you will hide from tax. De Belastingdienst here is not making any jokes, and taking all the cents they can grab. Open a company @ KVK, and claim all your buyings.
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