Angry Indian Pizza Owner - Prank Call

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what's funny about that?
seriously, i dont get it.. he ordered a pizza and said he will not get it and the indian guy is swearing?
Is this the normal of our society?
ADHD kids, and even adults too begging for attention from a person of Indian decent?
I really don't know if I should laugh or find this offensive and idiotic to discuss.
As far as I am concerned it is not funny, it is stupid.
Prank calls are so childish, especially when there is stereotyping.
I'm not Indian, just a fyi.
The fact that fernan posted a video where a guy trolls an indian does not mean the guy is racist. Check his other videos out - he pranks everyone, not just indians.

And yes, it may be childish. But in the process of being that, the guy makes a ton of people laugh. Not something a lot of people are capable of doing. And these prank calls don't really hurt the person being pranked. Thus the name prank call and not.. kill call or whatever.
No I don't feel insulted, nor do I find if funny. This is entertainment for the mass, by mass in this case I mean the uneducated.
To me it is just not right, I know it may be a prank, but there is a way to make people laugh other than use stereotypes.
Additionally, I did not say it was racist, as if you call someone else racist, your racist.
A educated person would have figured I was describing the events in the video as stereotypical.
Get your facts right.

Last but not least:
"And these prank calls don't really hurt the person being pranked."
Misses my point in which the prank is hurtful to the race being targeted.
If it was your race and the mass took it seriously, it would be unfair, and supporters of the video are directly or indirectly at fault.
Why are you assuming that your uneducated. O.o
All I am saying it is effecting the thoughts of the uneducated.
Stealing online is still stealing.
Harassment online is still harassment.
Calling x name a insert swear word is still Calling x name a insert swear word.
The is spelt the, and not teh.
I'm just posting a a educated post. Anything wrong with it?

It's funny how it isn't normal for many to act educated, unless needed.

Same thing scammers do, they act professional only when they need to, like luring customer. Shortly after they receive payment, they most likely act like a uneducated person and give "shit" support.
lol at the "teh net" part.. I assume you are the uneducated not me ;)


Why are you assuming that your uneducated. O.o. -
This is entertainment for the mass, by mass in this case I mean the uneducated.

Im just letting you know that im not uneducated as you say that we (the ones who enjoy prank calls) are....

And yeah prank calls are just that a prank here or irl!
Do you have a major in anything? *cough
And *cough, were you accepted to medical school? *cough *cough

And slang is not going to be accepted when you write a educated letter to someone, cough so I am educated.

I don't need to proofread your post, if you made a typo, your uneducated. A educated person knows how to proofread and spell check.
LMAO I mean are you really pulling off stuff like that on teh net? LMAO

I could just say yes and list a bunch of fake stuff :))
This is going way off topic.. No need to brag about how educated one is. We still make mistakes even if we have 3 masters.. *cough *cough

* an educated *
Actually English is not my 1st language so I make a lot of mistake anyways if you need any service or w.e I assume you dont because you are so educated check my sign ;)
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