Shared - Seedbox Hosting from $5/mo (with RapidLeech account)

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We are doing refund to all who havent got their details as we got so many orders and we are not in position to full fill them and we already informed you we have different support team for leech and seedbox and shared hosting has rapid response support you can check that out or asked anyone who have shared hosting account with us...

Please apply for cancellation of the service you will get your refund.
does rapidleech can also be done for HotFILE Account

as i want to transload files from HOTFILE to HOTFILE
as i want to remote upload files from Hotfile to Hotfile

is it allowed and how to use it
Dear grpbrazil artbrasukas,
This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.
Product/Service: SeedBox_Basic
If you requested immediate cancellation then the service will be terminated within the next 24 hours. If however you chose end of billing cycle, it will not be cancelled until 12/03/2010.
Thank you for using AliBabaHost and we hope to see you again in the future.(IMPOSSIBLE)

was cancelled,please refund me
Seedbox Speed is Really Very Good and Really HelpFul for the ppl that needs to help their ratio up and get Invites and help ur friends :)
I was talking to deepakblr and he explained that the team that was working with him was giving problems and now it's all resolved.I will test the seedbox and talk about the experience soon on this topic.


and sorry again to my very bad english
Mine is suspended too... I always pay on time every month. Not hosting any BW consuming script.. Open support ticket about 8 hour ago and nobody answer.
Hello Can i have a Test account please.

i Have sent a mail to ur Gmail account, but no one replied

Please Give me a Trail Account for TF and RL

its all happened due to load on the server and some the sites got supended by our tech team to avoid load and everything is stable now and sites unsuspended .We are extremely sorry for inconvenience and we will take care that this will not happens again in future .You people know our service this is the first incidence and we will promise to provide the best service like always.

Thanks for your support.

Added after 6 minutes:


Thanks for giving good advice to my customers.
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